I got my 410s in november and after about a month, I noticed my computer makes a chirping sound. The closest thing I can compare it to is when you dial a fax machine by phone you get Chirping. . . or a bunch of electronic beeps/ clicks at a low frequency.
I've already ruled out a few things.
The hard disk spinning- I have a SSD.
It's not the fan because I can hear that working seperately- I also stopped it with a paper clip.
The sound goes away and comes back with regularity. I especially notice is when its starting up, shutting down, or i'm logging off windows into another windows user account. I'm thinking processor but i don't think processors could make noise.
What could this be?
Most likely the CPU/Motherboard. A lot of laptops have these problems with the Intel Chipset. If it is bothering you enough you can send it in for repairs, however it may not completely fix the problem.
This is the infamous CPU whine high pitch noise. My T510 does the same. It can remain constant or cut in and out just like a fax machine or someone sending morse code. I'll wager that as soon as you tax your CPU, such as by running the stress test, the noise will go away momentarily.
My T510 is currently at the Lenovo repair center. First time, they replaced the left side speaker and a "thermal module." I'll take that as a heat sink and fan assembly. This time around, I got a call from the Lenvo. The tech cannot verify the noise. Problem with noise is that the tech may not identify the offending noise and may just treat it as back ground normal operation.
If you've listed to hard rock/heavy metal at high decible, your hearing may not pick up the noise. For those whose hearing has been drastically impaired, we can disntiguish this annoying sound.
c. -
Thanks for the replies, looks like lenovo will be getting another one at their repair center.
With the lastest intel recall, does anyone know if Lenovos are at risk? -
Actually, since you describe it as a chirping sound, I just want to make sure you've covered all your bases: check your BIOS settings and see if the beep on power state changes setting is disabled. Alternatively, open Power Manager, go to Advanced mode, click the "Global Power Settings" tab, and check to make sure "Beep when power state changes" is disabled.
410s - Chirping like a Fax Machine
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by aghayek, Feb 11, 2011.