ThinkPad comes with hard drive motion sensor for the main hdd. How about if I get ultra-bay adapter caddy for 2nd hdd, should I assume that external motion sensor will not apply to it or will it? The reason why I'm asking is because I'm planning to get WD Scorpio BLACK (320GB, 7200rpm) as my 2nd hdd, and this one comes in two models with and without built-in free-fall sensor (WD3200BJKT has it while WD3200BEKT doesn't). So I'm not sure which one to get. The price difference is about $10, and so far the best deal I was able to find at for $80 and $90. Any idea?
After pressing "Help" button in your Active Protection application dialog window you should get the similar info:
Thanks for the pointer! I guess I never seen an option for any hdd other than primary and assumed it will not work with ultrabay. Sounds like I can save $10 Can't wait to try it out, although ESD got pushed back by another week to 7/13/09.
I'm pretty sure that the APS sensor applies. In the Q&A section following this article (post #38), Matt Kohut explains that the reason the APS software is pre-installed on machines with an SSD (like the T400s) is in case you put an HDD in the UltraBay (and to play APS games).
Well I dont know about T400s but T400 certainly works which means it will very likely work.
Yes I have the ultrabay slim with a 2.5" HDD in it.
It fits just like the DVD drive. No 'wobbling' depending on your definition. But if you press down on the speaker plastic part theres a little flexy give to it. But it has that even with the dvd drive anyway. theres no wobbling in and out of the ultrabay slot though.
EDIT: this is for a T400 btw. -
I suppose you could put layers of tape or paper on the sides of the hard drive, but really, for $9 bucks delivered I don't see why you'd do that. -
Oh you mean the storage drive HDD wobbling inside the ultrabay?
I cannot tell you right this instance because I am using my notebook right now and cannot hotswap it since the OS is on this drive. I will tell you tommorrow when I shutdown the computer sometime later. But I don't recall there being wobbling. And I didnt even use those caddy things the person above me suggested. It seems to be fine. Theres this black hinge you lift up. You put your drive in, slide it into place, and pull the black hinge back down. Now your drive is secure. Perhaps not zero tolerance as expected by perfectionists though. I'd have to check. -
@lew: that is just a caddy (in the link you provided, $9) which supposed to go inside of the ultrabay adapter. The adapter itself would be pricier. Sorry, but I have purchased enough of cell phone accessories from eBay to know their "perfect" fit'n'finish and "quality"
@laggedout: is there an extra actual room inside adapter to put such caddy (rubber rails)? -
I am not sure. I will get back to your Qs once I get a chance to shutdown, which is not now as Im using it.
But my experience is for a T400 ultrabay slim. I am under the impression T400s is a different one? Also I put in a Hitachi 2.5 inch HDD. It seems to fit and required no extra fitting. All I did was slide the storage drive it, clip the thing back down and slide the ultrabay adapter into the laptop and it works. You might need such caddy stuff for smaller drives like 1.8 inches? I have no experience with that. Then again, I dont remember if it was 100% close/tight fit either. If one were a perfectionist, you may find slight drive wobble? Again I'd have to look to make sure. Im ok with the fit I have though. At least my drive hasnt NOT worked from my setup, nor do I hear sliding noise or anything when moving the laptop. -
I just checked. Its pretty solid. It fits my 2.5 inch storage drive perfectly without the need for anything other than the standard fixture from the storage drive manufacturer casing design (which I assume is standardized)
I agree -- I wouldn't go with eBay for the Ultrabay SATA Hard Drive Adapter II when the real deal is available from for less than $40.
I was talking about the HDD not fitting snugly in the Ultrabay SATA Hard Drive Adapter II. The caddy (or carrier if you prefer) I referenced will solve that issue since it appears Lenovo did not intend for bare drives to be in the Ultrabay adapter. At the time I bought mine I was unable to find the part # for the hard drive carrier (not the Ultrabay adapter) -- could you point me to where folks can order it on -
I can't find any of these on Lenovo either. I placed my order for T400s over the phone, and selected Adapter III designated specifically for T400s. I just wanted to find out more details about hd fit from those who used this option with T400.
With a HDD in the metal carrier like the ebay link I posted, there's no visible clearance in the Adapter II and no appreciable movement unless you force it.
Net: IMHO it's better to use a metal carrier, but in a pinch you can use a bare drive in the Adapter II. -
Thanks for all these information! I've bought a caddy, because I think there is a little bit too much space (the disk moves slightly downward when sliding the adapter into the bay).
What would also interest me: Do you have to change settings in the BIOS in order to get maximum performance after removing the dvd drive and installing the hdd? -
Are you talking about metal cage caddy that comes with rubber guards (removable)? I guess it all depends on the hard drive itself. WD Scorpio fits in perfectly with hardly any wiggle room once you close the plastic tab inside ultra bay III adapter. And there is no need for any bios tweaks once you assign logical drive letter.
2nd hdd for T400s
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by twister, Jun 29, 2009.