Mmmm YUM!
Samsung's mSATA PM830 is eight grams of pure SSD -- Engadget
Argh! Just went I just bought and installed a 128GB into my X220! Oh well!
Technology is my kryptonite! Here I am waiting on a 256 GB mSATA to go retail for a laptop I've ordered and canceled three times. SMH!
JohnsonDelBrat Notebook Evangelist
Wonder what kind of power it uses in comparison to the Intel 310. Didn't find any info on that in my very lazy 23 seconds of searching google.
I am excited about this.
What do you think the cost will be?
A lot! ...and many of us will buy it anyway, because we are early adopters addicted to tech, as evidenced by our patronage here... J/K No MSRP is in the wild as far as I know...
My tablet is sending signals into my brain "buy this for me" ...sigh
256 mSata on the way
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Recidivist, Dec 1, 2011.