First thanks to all who are reading this.
1) when i open "my computer" its hsows all the folders trhat are on there and in particular the "c" drive is labeled as "Preload C" is this normal?
2) I connected my MP3 player, and i cann;t see to find it when i click on my computer, a small window appears when i first connect it saying if i wanna open it in windows media player but it doesn;t give me any other options.
3) just thought of another question too, is Diskeeper suppose to be running in teh backgroun at start up? it seems to be doing that on my computer and its on the Tray Bar below right next to the clock...etc
anythings on the above?
no it was brand new from lenovo
but i have to admit that i went under Msconfig and disabled some of the startup programs that seemed to be familiar such as Adobe...etc. for the purpose of making boot fastr without having to freshly reinstall windows xp.
thanks -
oh. one other thing. What OS? Vista or XP?
What MP3 Player also? -
ya it came with diskeeper and iam running windows XP and my mp3 player is one of those older ones wher eit doesn;t really need a special softwar eor anything.
thanks, -
Right click on "My Computer" and click "Manage" (you need to be using an admin account).
When Computer Management comes up, on the left hand side, expand the "Storage" section, and click on "Disk Management".
Now, once you're clicked on "Disk Management", the right hand window will change to show you all the disks currently attached to your system. I recommend maximizing the window so you can see everything.
Each disk/partition should have a drive letter next to it. You should be able to tell which one is your MP3 Player by either the size or some sort of label. My theory is that Windows XP is just being dumb again and isn't assigning it a drive letter.
Figure out which one is your MP3 Player and right click on it so you can select "Change Drive Letters and paths". You will need to assign a drive letter. Pick whatever letter you want as long as its not used and click OK. I dont have XP currently loaded so I cant send an exact screenshot... if you're stuck, see if you can get a screenshot of the Disk Management window and post it here. -
thank you so much for the info. i just on there and i couldn;t find it, i attached a scxreen shot for ur review.
thanksAttached Files:
i just did and everything is fine.
ya i did haveon there, and i have tried it on a different computer in teh past and it was fine.
hold on iam gonna try another usb drive and see what happens. -
ya it poretty wierd, i just put on a regular thumb drive an dthe computer picke dit up in a matter of a sec, while the mp3 is not being recognized. anyways thanks for ur help man, iam gonna try it on a diffrenet computer later on and see what happens. but what do u think about the other 2 questions i had up above, about the "Preload C" and "Diskeeper"
thanks -
As for Diskeeper, maybe i'm not sure what the question is. Where I work, we have Diskeeper deployed to all of our windows-based servers. It runs all the time, full time, but only uses idle resources to do its work... so as not to affect performance when something is trying to run that legitimately needs resources. I would assume the desktop version runs all the time too in the same sort of fashion, but without having the product in hand i can't say with 100% certainty. Are you not wanting it to start, or do you just want it to not show up in the system tray? -
oh.. and let me/us know what happens on another computer with the MP3 Player.
Check and see if your MP3 player can be accessed through Windows Media Player. I know Vista's WMP11 and Sync Center takes over the control of MP3 players, but not sure if XP does. Copying songs onto the MP3 player requires "syncing" your playlist to it.
Preload C is the default disk label. There is no harm in changing or deleting the label.
Diskeeper Lite is disk defragger. There is no harm in letting it run. Maintenance Manager should only run Diskeeper and other tasks when the computer is idle. -
ya i just wanted to actualy shut it down an dtake it off teh system tray.
i will let u know what happens with the usb too.,
thanks, -
i just noticed ur post,thanks!
2 questions on my T61
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ducati, Sep 23, 2008.