In my order I have 45M4620 SBB 128GB HGH-PER SLDSTDRSRATA - I have read that any other Lenovo SSD other than Intel is a dog and this is not an Intel. It says high performance but what is there idea of high performance? Can anyone share experiences and/or link me to a spec sheet?
This will not be an Intel drive, it will be either a Samsung or a Toshiba. They're not quite as good as the Intel G2 drives in terms of read speeds, but they're not bad either.
but it is a g2 right? I mean with TRIM.
No, G2 refers to 2nd generation for Intel. The SSD isn't Intel, it's either Samsung or Toshiba.
OK - G2 belongs to Intel - but my question is... How does Lenovo quantify "High Performance"? Also, is it safe to assume it using TRIM?
High performance is a marketing term and really doesn't mean anything. TRIM may or may not be supported.
AFAIK TRIM is not yet offered by Samsung or Toshiba.
None of the factory-installed drives (samsung and intel G1) come with trim.
They are all faster than traditional harddrives. -
I am told the 80gb Intel SSD (at least on the T510) is a G2. No ?
i think the reason why some 80gb Intel SSDs are still G1 is if they were 1.8 inch drives getting sold cheap on T410s. Thats why the upgrade cost was so low. I dont think it applies to 2.5 inch SSDs of 80gb capacity.
While that is partially true, the fact is, all the major ODMs will use up what is on hand. Lenovo has several manufacturers and versions of parts, so it's luck of the draw as to what you get. You might be lucky and Lenovo only has G2 versions on hand.
Depends where you live. Go global my friend..
Thanks - so how do I know if it does actually support TRIM? And if it doesn't - what can I do to get it? if possible.
@Mythos - The 128GB SSD I purchased with my T510 added like $350(or 280 if forget) to the list price. On Pricewatch - the cheapest 250GB SSD is ~$750. Are you talking SSDs or was there a typo? -
but Lenovo's Toshiba and Samsungs don't!
You can cross-flash though, but directly from Lenovo's factory they do not support TRIM yet.
128GB SSD specs?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ecco88, Mar 13, 2010.