I currently use a 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 desktop computer. I need to pick up a laptop and am confused about what kinda processor I should get.
Uses for the laptop will be surfing the web and playing web based videos, music, MS office document creation for work (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), and general emailing and internet communication (chatrooms).
Anybody know what laptop processor is comparable to a 2.0 GHz Pentium 4? Would a 1.66 GHz core duo be faster or slower? What about a Pentium M?
What do you recommend?
A 1.66Ghz core duo would be MUCH faster in everything then a 2.0Ghz P 4. l'm not too sure about it being faster then the 2.0Ghz Pentium M though.
Any of the Pentium M series would thrash the processor you described. Maybe even an Ultra Low Voltage one. A core duo would just humiliate it.
sweet. thx guys. I wasn't sure if the 1.66 being lower than the 2.0 meant the 2.0 GHz Pent 4 would be faster. I can't afford the 2.0 GHz duo core (which I thought was comparable to the 2.0 GHz Pent 4) so I thought I'd be getting a slower computer with the 1.66.
thanks again. -
The original P-M 1.6 was roughly equivalent to the P4 2.4B (the P4 2.4A, which is the successor to the P42.4, is slightly slower than the 2.4B). The second core under the "P-M" monikker was slightly faster. The 1.66 Core Duo is roughly comparable to a 3Ghz P4 or faster.
Metamorphical Good computer user
Between you and me. I have an old super pi time for a 2.4ghz P4m and my 1.6Pm smokes it. I'm willing the bet a Core Duo would be phenominally faster.
its too bad they dont keep numbers consistant
The numbers are consistent; they reflect the clock speed. The newer processors, however, are WAY more efficient and thus can process much faster, even on a slower clock speed.
You can't judge performance by the clocky anymore.
I can judge performance by snapping my fingers. Get the Core Duo 1.83mhz T60
1.66 GHz core duo vs. Pentium 4 2.0 GHz
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by nickr, May 29, 2006.