I have my 1-week old Z61m on the plug at ALL TIMES but the battery is slowly "deteriorating" from 100% to 98%. Is this normal? Thanks!
Double click on the battery on the right side of the toolbar. In the power manager, click the Battery information tab. click battery maintenance on the right side of the window. See if you can mess with those settings to get it to charge to 100%.
Currently I'm on "power source optimized" in power manager. I've never used the battery. Do you think it has anything to do with this problem? The thing is I've never used this battery as power source. Why would it drop from 100% to 98%?
I have had the computer for about five hours and it wont go up to 100 according to the reader.. its stuck at 98%
Check the setting under ..Thinkvantage technogies/Power Manager/Battery manager tab/battery maintenence bar/
Check to see if you have it set to stop charging at 98% or set up a custom setup by mistake...
*****sorry Braddd, didn't see your post -
Thanks bargin! Its just not charging it untill its below 96% so its just sitting at 98 waiting for it to drain before it starts charging.
I believe that it changes all of the time under that option. Staying at 100% all of the time degrades the battery:
"If you primarily use your computer with the ac adapter attached and only infrequently use battery power, you can increase the lifespan of the battery by changing the charge thresholds. This allows you to reduce the number of charge cycles by letting the battery discharge to a lower percentage before beginning to recharge. It also allows you to set the maximum charge value to below 100%. This is useful because batteries which are used infrequently have a longer lifespan when they are stored at less than full charge.
To change the battery charge thresholds, click the Battery Maintenance... button on the Battery Information tab. There are three options listed below the Charge thresholds section. By default, Always fully charge is selected. This option starts charging when the remaining capacity of the battery is below 96% and stops charging at 100%. Note, this setting may not help to increase battery lifespan. To have Power Manager automatically set charge thresholds that can increase battery lifespan while allowing sufficient charge, select Optimize for battery lifespan. A balloon message will notify when the thresholds change. You can disable this notification by unchecking Notify me when thresholds change. You can also create your own stop and start thresholds by selecting the Custom setting and entering your preferred values. "
The setting you are using is changing the battery threshold for you. -
Had this question so many times, use the forum search tool.
Apoddar, you have a WUXGA 14.1" LCD? Holy crap dude - where do I get that? I'd love that resolution - it'd kick major tail.
My battery came back to 100% without me touching anything. This is weird. Is the power manager's "optimize battery lifespan" setting at work?
1-week old battery won't charge to 100%?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by a529612, Aug 27, 2007.