g'day all,
I finally received my express upgrade after it sitting in the post office for two weeks cuz the courier couldn't be bothered to leave a card...bludger...
anyway, I've spend most of the afternoon trying to install it...grrr...first time around it went through to about 'completing upgrade' at 40%, and then rebooted, and got the blue screen of death with some error to srescan.sys; I figured that given that this often happens with drivers, I rolled back to XP, and upgraded everything I possibly could with the Lenovo care...after nearly 250MB of downloads, I gave it another shot, and got the same error...
my specs are: n100 cd 1.83GHz, 1G RAM, 80GB HDD, 15.4" WSXGA+, FPR, camera
any ideas?
You could try a clean install
thanks for the reply - not my prefered option, especially cuz I don't want to have the hassle of XP rescue and recovery if things don't go as planned with vista - you'd think that if the default drivers would work, that they'd kick in
any one else fixed this problem?
p.s. - is the speed of light that funny? -
well, I now write from inside vista. The solution? Getting rid of zone alarm. So there you go. Now just got to go and download all the updates and find stuff like omnipass again.
The lord helps those who help themselves. I prefer a clean install myself. You can of course download all the drivers from Lenovo.
yeah, but that doesn't apply for the 3rd party stuff like omnipass?
Those apps should be on your drive, perhaps there are Vista upgrades.
'express' upgrade to business 32 vista on n100 gives BSOD :(
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by mnaah, Apr 20, 2007.