2D scores are greatly affected by the Operating system and drivers.
For example, in Vista you will get far better score than in W7. It should be even better in XP.
Also, if I run the test 5 times in a row, I get 5 different results with up to 400 pts difference.
Great job!
Thanks for the tests!
+1 rep!
I'm curious to see the same tests done with the FX5000M![]()
well when they release the 5000M for the UK market i'll do them - atm my eta on delivery is around May 2011
If you could return your system and get your money back, it'd be possible to order a new one with the FX5000M directly from the US.
There's a way to do it
You could save a few hundreds even with all the shipping and customs. -
i'm not sure, i got a nice voucher on the order, so i saved about £600 on it. so i really don't mind the delay lol.
but as a side note, i can CONFIRM at this time, until there is a new firmware release for the gpu, the 5000M is NOT happy being wth the DC2. its a shame, because i use a lot of software which uses it. but my hp doesn't have a DC panel. just thought i'd like to update you all.
(source, HP Technical Support UK) -
Can we now safely conclude that ATI Fire Pro 2D issues are resolved?
Is its 2D performance comparable to NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800M? I have just placed an order with Quatro, but would be quite happy to change it and save ~$800.00.
Regards -
I have a kind request for the FX3800M/FX2800M/FX5000M owners.
Could you please download and run Viewperf 11.0 benchmark @ 1920x1200 resolution?
Here's a comparison to the desktop PRO GPU results.
Here's my result:Attached Files:
crikey, big d/l. i'll post pics up for the 2800M for you mate. (don't forget to update the front post with the 2800M!
oh as a question for autocad problems, i had the same mouse lag on the G73JH, which seemed to go away when i updated directx 9 of all things. -
hi, all
heavy autocad users here.. mouse lag in acad is probably something to do with active layer manager.. (if you happened to on or dock it). personally i prefer to off it. think this should not have much to do with driver.. been using from acad2008 to 2011, in Fx3700 (desktop) still not 100% smooth..
am with 3800m, will do specbench later and upload next. -
for me the mouse lag was related to the tooltips/redraw times in the viewport, which sadly sometimes call old DX9_XX.dll routines which for some reason are not handled in dx11
Autocad 2011 shouldn't even be using dx11 calls by reality as it's not optimised for them, but it did fix my problems back when i had a firepro. but i will reinstall it tonight on the 2800M and see if it's still there
**update on AutoCAD 2011 LT**
I've installed it on my hp, and there is no mouse lag at all, - i do have the runtime libraries installed for DX9 (microsoft.com/directx btw) but it seems to be running ok for me. -
ok as requested,
The 2800M SPECViewPerf benches from my baby @1920x1200
Seems somehow i got better scores that the ATI Laptop card O_O, very interesting, I even get better than some of the desktop results - AMD really needs to sort out the driver!!! there is no way this card should be that far ahead of the newer cards, not for its age. -
I will be getting my long awaited replacement soon. They couldn't meet my more reasonable CTO wishlist (I don't understand why, but whatever) so they let me pick this pre-config.
wow thats a nice replacement.
i have a question, have they fixed the problems with the DC2 and the 5000M? i was told by their support i couldn't have that combination because of a display glitch.
if it does work alright, i'll get my panel upgraded when i get my 5000M
can't wait for the benchmarks -
Wow, congrats!
That's awesome! Can't wait to see the benches for FX5000M.
I've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my IBM R40. It runs soooo smooth, that I'm almost thinking of selling all other laptops, hehe -
Wooow, you have been VERY WELL compensated forCongrats, you have the (probably) BEST mobile graphics card in the market
A $4900 pre-config!Mamma mia! My CTO 8740w cost me ~$5674 and it's lower than yours! Damn HP!
And if you customize your kernel and your modules, even more!
That's the only reason (besides gaming) I stick to W7 mostly.
i have a question for those very tech savvy.
I get the odd stop 0x124 bsod on the 2800M when i run any driver newer than the release driver for this machine. any updates from windows update, or the hp site seems to give me PCI-E errors.
any ideas?
I was just browsing the web earlier and it bsod'ed on me. also to top it off, some of my brushed alu on my palm rest is flecking off
sigh, not a good day
-- more info
my hp for some reason seems to continue to revert back to the microsoft driver for the chipset and more importantly the PCI-E root port 1 - d138 <--- thats the culprit for the bsod.
my sound is slurring now too, which is beginning to annoy me!! i'm reinstalling all drivers to see if i can bring something back.
very weird activity from my baby today
update 2---
well went through my device manager, to find - EVERY device was reverted back to its win 7 defaults!; no idea what could have done this, though i did install some 'updates' from windows last night, only driver was the touchpad one. seems my laptop had a blonde moment and reverted everything back to defaults
no bsods so far, but if i get another one, i'm gonna be having words with hp! its good to be back with sound that doesn't slur lol. -
I have an 8740w Win7 64-bit with the ATI M7820 and the latest 8.743.3.2-100724a1-103069C drivers from the HP web site. Unfortunately whenever I try to play a .mov or .mts file with WMP, the screen goes completely black a few times and then I get an error notice from WMP saying "Windows Media Player cannot play the video because there is a problem with your video card". Windows also displays a notice "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered".
The problem occurs for both low definition and high definition movies. I also get this problem when I try to play some (but not all) videos on youtube. I've never had this problem while playing netflix video.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Is this a problem with the ATI drivers or with my card itself?
P.S. Here's an example that can't be played:
iTunes Movie Trailers -
Be careful with driver updates, however, I only have experience with XP 32 but sometimes deleting the NVIDIA driver first, reboot, and than installing them, reboot, helped, especially if you change between HP drivers and NVIDIA drivers.
same with the touchpad drivers... -
Well it happened. my Nvidia card (3800) bit the dust. Crashing, lockups and just would not boot.
Called HP, misdiagnosis on their part and the next day the tech replaced the main board, saw the video card was shot and the day after replaced it and just for good measure the CPU.
So lets count this.
1 new main board
1 new video card
all in 48 hours. now that is what I call service.
so for those of you who think HP suck for support, go buy a business notebook, better yet get the workstation model. -
HP business warranty rocks! Even when they miss the target from the first shot. -
I have a question regarding acquiring a DC2 (IPS) panel. I ordered mine with the regular 1680 x 1050 panel. I really, really want to replace it with the DC2 panel but I can't seem to find any info on the HP site on how exactly I would go about ordering this. Also, I just called HP sales and the salesperson said that the only way to get the DC2 for the 8740w is to custom order it that way. I told her I only need the panel and that I would replace it myself but she said it's not possible which is, of course, total BS. I've replaced display panels on, and completely rebuilt from the ground up, countless notebooks.
Anyway... anyone have a clue on how to go about ordering the DC2 bad boy separately?
By the way, sorry if this has been asked before... my search-fu came up empty on this though. -
If that's the correct part number: 595709-001,
then you can get it from HP Parts Store for 1200$
you can also call: 1 888 999 4747 Opt 4 and Opt 1 and ask them directly. -
Folks, the nVidia 5000M GPU is now available in a CTO screen with a DC2 panel, but it costs $1,850 more than the ATI card
. My older order from 9-30-10 was canceled b/c WinXP wasn't available as an install, even though it was still listed as being available as a downgrade 'till the end of September. So now I'm debating whether or not to get the avante-garde GPU...
As an aside, has anyone found or made use of a part to put a second HD in the expansion bay instead of the optical drive? The answer may have been posted before and if so, my apologies. I'd like to add my own extra HDD and don't want to pay HP's prices for their 500GB drive if I can get the empty bay caddy much cheaper by itself... All things considered, I'd much rather have a second HDD on a day-to-day basis than an optical drive. -
Sounds nice. How thick is that 1TB drive you're using? Do you have a part number for the bay you're using for that drive?
Shifting gears... literally.
DIRT 2. !!! That game, and this machine, rocks! The ATI card & drivers makes up in its 3D for anywhere it's lacking in 2D.
I'm a driving-guy kinda guy; in games, and in reality. I read-about so went-out and bought Dirt 2 today, and an XBox 360 controller (GameStop didn't have any wheels). After a lengthy setup, Windows Live registration and update and game update, I finally got to play. When I went into the display settings, I noticed the default had most everything on low, yielding about 50-60 fps. I cranked everything to High and was getting a bit over 30fps. There's still an 'Ultra' (or is it 'Extreme', whatever) setting, but I suspect that will put the fps too low so I didn't try that.
Oh, and I also first loaded HWiNFO32, loaded 'fancontrol', and set it on high. My high Max temps top down on the HWiNFO Sensor's page were:
CPU: 71/67/70/69 C aka 159.8/152.6/158/152.2 F
GPU: 66/62.5/66.5/65 aka 150.8/144.5/151.7/149 F
...ok, the Game's calling...gotta go! -
Whoa, M8o!
Now you see why I was so determined to get that fan control
BTW, I think your setup can handle the Ultra settings @30FPS.
Downloading the game on Steam, will let you know how it goes. -
Hi everybody
I have a big problem with my new 8740w. Nearly each time when I restart from energy safe mode a few seconds later the fan begins to speed up and just another few seconds later the notebook turns off immediately. No blue screen and no other info where I can see the reason why.
Does anybody knows what to do?
Thanks for your replys
justdreaming -
you need to install some sort of program which will tell you your temps. it sounds like a thermal problem, but could also be a problem i had with an older system a while ago, where the machine had a heatsink failiure, and it just switched off within about 2 mins
speedfan/hwinfo there are lots to use for managing temps
if you can get into windows that is -
). Stop all resident programs you have running (antivirus, antispam, messengers, HP Tools, ...) and run the game again at Ultra/Extreme settings. Also I recommend you to put the page file on another drive different from the main one and defragment the main disk (which is containing the OS and the game, I guess). You can go further if you disable services not needed, but I think this is a bit dangerous if you're not an experienced user
Hope this helps -
Thanks for your answer, but I think its not a thermal problem, because if I run cinebench with all cores at 100% nothing is going wrong. But after return form energy safe mode the fan runs with 3200 rpm while the core temp. is about 50°C.
I really have no idea... -
do you have the latest BIOS? I think this was an old problem some time ago for a few machines (what is your processor and RAM and so on?)
maybe the answer was already given in this thread... -
I have the book just one week and i updated the BIOS to the latest one available from HP. In another forum I read about this problem and the solution should be a new power supply. I´ve got a new one from HP (230W) but the problem is still there. -
It has been some time since my last post - just wanted to say HP replaced my 8740w mainboard, twice.
Present mainboard revision is 5.11, with new USB extension board.
I am still encountering intermittent system hang when powering up from cold.
*sigh* -
That sux, man. I'd push for a unit replacement at this point.
I can't make the demo (Dirt2) load, it keeps crushing every time.
Will try to update DirectX 9/11 and see if it helps.
BTW, do you have W7 Pro or Ultimate?
I see a lot of people on the web with the same problem when loading games under W7 Pro. -
It's Pro. My playing the game until 5:30am "last night" (man did I have a headache) then hours more this afternoon attests to the purchased game working perfectly under Pro.
Though there have been two hangs at times after a race when switching to the UI, in both cases the "auto-save" enabled kept me from losing any experience points or $.
I can't imagine an update to DX11 is necessary beyond whatever Windows Update / HP Update updates on its own. If you haven't done any of those, then perhaps that'll do it. Else, it's a Demo thing [?]; forget the demo then and get the real game, if you/anyone is into Driving games that is. It's well worth the $19.99 [usd] price; best $19.99 spent as long as I can remember. Best looking and playing driver I've ever played.
BTW, when setting the 1/2 or so settings that have ultra capability dropped the internal benchmark only 2 fps on the low side, yielding a range of 30.5 - 37+ in gameplay. Only the non-virtual CPU cores show about 50% activity, with intermittent spikes in the virtual cores. I'm guessing the game's probably only using 1 or 2 cores, and the CPU is using that built-in tech that serializes the cores (forget its name)? -
it 'is' a thermal issue, but it's to do with the sensors. (by that i mean, the sensors are thinking it is too hot and are shutting it down) i note you needed a new power supply. this is the issue i had with my first 8740w - the power supply had a bad earth connection, which badly damaged some of the sensors/sensitive parts of the mobo. to be honest i would make sure you get this replaced, as it will only get worse - it sounds like your thermal monitoring system is toasted, it was a problem with the chipset, but was fixed in a bios update, if you still have this, then it is a hardware failiure i am afraid mate
yea, by thermal, i meant the computer thinks its overheating, but it isn't in reality. -
Yes, if the game doesn't use the 4 cores, then the i7 processor overclocks the active ones to a higher frequency (if you had 2 active cores, they should run at 2.4GHz if I'm not wrong). Also keep in mind you don't have the same processor as Aikimox. Aiki has an i7-840QM, so he should run the same game with 2 active cores at 2.93GHz. 530MHz is more than half a gigahertz, so he could actually get a few more FPS than you with the same settings.
*HP EliteBook 8740w Owners Lounge - PART 2*
Discussion in 'HP Business Class Notebooks' started by Aikimox, Sep 7, 2010.