It should be fairly easy, -
After loosening the 3 screws and lifting the keyboard slightly on the side close to the LCD and then pulling it towards the LCD, you should have it out of the frame held by the 3 cables.
Now, shift the keyboard away from the LCD (always parallel to the frame) so that it's overlapping the touchpad as far as the cables allow. You can now disconnect the cable near the fan by lifting the plastic clip upwards a few millimeters. Then flip the keyboard over and mess with RAM.
Retrace the steps backwards to insert the keyboard. To put the cable back, lift the clip again, insert the cable and press the clip down to lock it. It's a bit awkward but should work.
well...mine has an ambient temp of...80C.
yea, I'm gonna have to get one of these.
in fact, if all goes well this weekend, I'll be placing my order next week. -
It seems that the ribbon cable wont insert fully into the plastic mechansim, such that when I depress the white latch, it remains without comming lose. I can't image why, as it seems fairly straightforward :-(
I will try again tomorrow as I am already quite frustrated and dont want to risk mangling anything. I'm wondering if the replacement keyboard will have the plastic connector pre-attached?
Anyone want a backlit keyboard if I can get this figured out? -
I noticed this app makes my fan turn on almost instantly. Not sure if it's GPU or CPU related. It doesn't seem like it would be a big deal to run though. -
Think theres any way to convince hp to allow all mxm graphics cards in the bios instead of whitelisting them? id like a cheap cuda upgrade with a consumer card.
Dunno if anyone is interested in Unigine benchmarks:
1 - 1280x1024
2 - 1920x1200Attached Files:
I have a brand new HP 8740w w/ the M7820 and am loving the DreamColor2 screen. However when I try to play a flash video inside Firefox, it crashes my system every single time. I have the latest Firefox and Flash player plugin installed, and the latest BIOS, so I'm guessing its a problem with my ATI drivers. What's the best way to update the ATI M7820 drivers? Is there an easy way to "check for driver updates" on the workstation? Or should I download from the hp support website or from the amd website? Thanks.
what kind of crash exactly? BSOD?
you also can manually update the drivers you download from the hp site
this one, I guess
just to make sure: Firefox is 3.6.10 and Flash Player is ?
Re-initializing the Firefox plugins database may help, too
Troubleshooting plugins -
Attached Files:
Well I managed to get the cable back, but no backlight. Guess the KB backlight is toast...
Everything else is working fine (including the regular part of the keyboard). I hope there isn't some other issue.
I will wait for the replacement backlit KB from HP and see what happens (will probably take 2 weeks to ship from China anyways).
I installed a 500GB Momentus XT (as Intel has delayed the G3 SSD's until 1st QTR 2011) as well as 8GB GSkill DIMMS for 12GB total - definately faster booting W7 x64 than the HDS 320 GB 7k2 stock one.
I guess I can always put everything back to original and return it to HP as "defective" if the keyboard won't function (I need a backlit KB) ... Nicest laptop I have owned to date other than the annoying ribbon cable issue .... -
Here is the 'official' instructions on how to remove the keyboard on the EliteBook 8740w, in case anyone needs to reference it.
HP EliteBook 8740w Mobile Workstation- HP EliteBook 8740w Mobile Workstation - Removing and Replacing the Keyboard - c02432432 - HP Business Support Center
Mind the fact that there is no mention of the additional care required if you have the backlit model, etc. -
Again, is anyone experiencing the same issues with MicroStation?. Any other applications that are affected by this? -
I suspect this issues with the 2D/3D performance are driver related, unless HP serioulsy dropped the ball in going 'first to market' with this new FirePro card. The equivalent non-CAD/CAM version of the card (Mobility Radeon) is a very fast and well reviewed mobile GPU, so I find it hard to believe the performance issues are hardware related.
Mind you I have yet to do any real work or testing with my 8740w as it is waiting on a replacement backlit keyboard, so other than the weak ATI/AMD Catalyst control panel software, I have no numbers per-se to back up/refute any performance issues.
The laptop, other that these issues, is by far the best I have ever used (and that has mainly been Dell Latitude/Precisions). -
For those with 2D issues & concerns, just a reminder that it is possible to install more recent ATI drivers (in case you missed earlier posts about it) . See here:
- Installing Latest Catalyst Drivers for M7820 per sheltem
Like others, I would prefer to install official drivers from HP, but this might be a temporary workaround. I've been running these drivers since that post was made without any issues. -
The HP support assistant notified me that there are new ATI drivers. I installed them, and notice no improvement in 2D performance.
Those of you who installed the MR5870 gaming drivers for the FirePro - do you have any freezes, lagging in games? -
I too hope to see some updates from HP soon. -
Great, so not only does HP Support Assistant take weeks to notice real updates, it also recommends old updates I already had installed.
Yeah, I've noticed that too. But it's ok, it gives HP some safety buffer. Imagine, if they post the wrong BIOS update for your system and you jump on it and brick the lappy one day before an important presentation... lots of fun
Not that that makes it any better, especially since I use & need 2D performance 99% of the time. But just being accurate here. -
I've trying to get my HP tech to give me any info on 2D drivers. My specific problem is with AutoCAD LT. I'm baffled by what he has said and thought I'd ask you guys if you know what he's talking about.
The M7820 is a Certified and Recommended GPU for AutoCAD. It says so on their GPU database. He keeps talking about chipsets though. I don't see anything about chipsets on Autodesk's website. Anyway, here are the direct quotes from my email.
Maybe if you can point a specific game, I can test it as well. -
I think what he means is - "I don't know and stop bothering me"We will know more in a week
Civ5 plays well on max settings for everything. Not perfect, as there are occasional stutters, but good enough.
Does anyone's screen randomly yellow-shift, requiring going into mobile display assistant to fix? Mine does from time to time :/
Otherwise it should be fine, at least in my case it is, so far...
What drivers are you using, Koshinn? Also, how are your gaming temps? Have you tried the manual fan control? -
I'm using drivers from a while back, I'm gaming now at about 75C between cpu and gpu. Have not tried manual fan control. -
Two questions:
1 Has anyone run DPC Latency on the 8740w? Results good?
2 Most of the posters here have the DC2 screen which is overkill for me and my eyes. Can anyone with the 1680 - 1050 screen comment on brightness, viewing angles, etc.
Great thread, I've been following since the beginning, so thanks to all for valuable information.
The entry level (I5-520) of this and the 8540 are selling now in Canada at decent discounts. With the 3 year warranty and quality of the machine, these are a really good deal. -
1) There are a few sceenshots of DPC Latency Checker available in the reviews section and also somewhere in the old thread. It's ok, IMHO.
However, there are people that consider anything above 100us a catastrophe
So, it depends on what you do with the system. To me, 100-500us is good.
2) Why do you consider the DC2 to be an overkill for your eyes? Resolution?Small fonts? You can always increase the fonts in windows to 125%+. The regular screens are mediocre at best, imo. -
Hey everyone, I just received my 8740w the other day and am having a serious issue with the graphics card. Any advice you can give me would be appreciated before I return this laptop.
System specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Core i7 840
ATI Firepro M7820 1GB
Non-DC2 screen (upgraded to higher resolution)
The Issue: Whenever I run a 3d game such as Counter-Strike: Source, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, or Civ 5, I see polygons and random colors popping in and out on the screen. I can still see the game itself. Plus, the game runs like butter. But, from the moment I log into the game menu to playing the game itself, I see these squares and polygons popping all over my screen. This, to state the obvious, makes the game completely unplayable. I, however, do not encounter this popping issue while running windows. Only when playing games.
I also should note that when playing Battlefield and Civ 5 I have to position my mouse about an inch below and to the right of a menu item to click on it. In other words, I am unable to point my mouse directly at the menu item to click on it.
I tried to resolve this issue by ensuring that I am running the latest FirePro drivers off of HP's site. When that didn't work, I downloaded the latest ATI notebook-compatible 5870 drivers off of ATI's site, but this didn't work either. I have no unusual software running on the system as I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit yesterday. I also sat on the phone with HP for 3 hours yesterday to try and fix this. The rep said she thought the graphics chip was bad so she offered for me to receive a refund / replacement. I'm going to do this, but I wanted to see if this is a universal problem with this model laptop running games with the ATI FirePro graphics chip and not just a specific issue to my laptop.
Any help / advice people can offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -
That's what I'm thinking too. The card has to be bad. What drivers do you use? The regular FirePro drivers or the M5870 drivers? Thanks!
FirePro from the hp website
hi, I'm thinking of getting a base model in Sweden. Does anyone have the experience of negotiating a price with HP here?
Contact a rep and ask for a 20-28% off
The key is persistence. Contact many reps, as many as needed to get the best deal. -
I guess you have to directly talk to a shop in Sweden? So HP is not selling anything at all?
I think HP is selling, and their prices are better than other shops. I just don't know if it's possible. But since Aikimox says so, I guess it is.
I'm actually from China; it's also possible to negotiate a price there, so I guess I may be able to get 30%. I took negotiation classes -
Just checked my invoices and it looks like the final discount during the second placement of my order (after the first one was screwed by HP) was 31%.
But I know that some people got further discounts/refunds/upgrades by complaining later on, due to material shortages and/or problems with their systems.
But 30% should be possible from the bat.
*HP EliteBook 8740w Owners Lounge - PART 2*
Discussion in 'HP Business Class Notebooks' started by Aikimox, Sep 7, 2010.