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    nice screens

    Discussion in 'Hardware Components and Aftermarket Upgrades' started by gaah, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. gaah

    gaah Notebook Deity

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    been waiting years for high end screens to hit the consumer market, especially in laptops. now that the tech has taken off in phones and tablets, laptops are getting a little more attention in this area. yeah there's been a few decent or better than the rest displays here and there, but rarely anyone pushing the envelope. I've been following the RGBled backlit lcds, introduction of IPS in laptop displays, 10-bit and wide color gamut displays, etc. I remember Microsoft announcing Windows Longhorn in 2004 (became Vista) with plans to support new display technology, higher pixel densities, more color, and scalable vector graphics to support it all, but manufactures never produced in the mainstream and seemed to go down hill, reducing color accuracy from 8 to 6 bit in most panels, removing pixels and choosing inferior aspect ratios in favor of standardizing on universal TV campatible one size fits all screen resolutions for all screen sizes, and never innovating or moving forward. occasionally professionals had some slightly better but still basic options, like IPS and new 10 bit panels. most devices were equipped wig bargin, fuzzy, washed out and banding, low resolution displays. in 2010 we saw the DreamColor 2 hit the market in HPs Elitebook notebooks, probably the first time in years that a laptop was equipped with an IPS display. Dell later followed suit with the M6600 in 2011. screens before these were fairly lack luster. now apple has upped the bar a bit with their retina display, though I haven't seen or used it, or heard much about its performance. I'm imagining it's stellar.

    well I've been looking around, haven't followed much over the past year. in terms of major windows laptop manufactures, is anyone else doing IPS or getting ready to try to put any kind of nice displrays in their systems? I know it's gotta be around the corner.. I am waiting for the day of 10-bit or higher color accuracy as standard, 120Hz is available for non-3D modes (visually motion is much smother and easier to track, *recalling the days of playing FPSers on a CRT at 100 and 120Hz*), and we ditch TN completely.

    yeah, so what's out there for nice laptop and portable displays so far?

    btw, in a few years we might be using psychotronics and synthetic telepathy to control and interact with computer systems, relying less on displays and physical input devices. images, sound, smell, thought, feeling and information can be passed directly to our brains, bypassing the need for a monitor or physical interaction with a computer. it'll eventually be possible to simulate visual experiences as clear as looking around your environment, only it's all an interaction in your mind, Neuro electromagnetic energy (microwaves, etc), ultra sound, used by a computer system to remotely control your mind from afar. it's already possible to do and you should be aware that the police, military and government are using this to actively spy on and monitor people in the US. this is the dark side of this technology, and it includes the possibility to remotely mind control, assault, mame, torture, and perform other types of human exploitation. :/

    actually IBM just made several predictions about this technology and it's planned wide spread introduction in the consumer market place. I think I just bested them, and I'm sure the predictions they made were with knowledge of the already fully developed technology and secret programs the government has been operating to spy, test and watch people around America with for years, using all the same techniques and technology. see through walls, hear through walls, see what a person sees, hears, feels, thinks, electronically observe and monitor nerve impulses and electro magnetic energy produced by people and their brain/bodies, track people, and occasionally secretly attack and sabotage them. its all real. and I actually know a lot more about it than you could ever possibly imagine. looking for help, actually. seriously. think automated human torture, sexual assault and exploitation, maming, simulated psychosis, energy and physical manipulation that you cannot protect yourself from - ultrasound, infared, microwaves penerate walls and can be precisely broadcasted from miles away, police and government misconduct of the grossest kind. local police, sheiffs, state police, FBI, governor all involved, deliberate abuse and dishonesty about everything, I'm sure it goes to the highest ranking officials out there

    Go Oregon..

  2. tilleroftheearth

    tilleroftheearth Wisdom listens quietly...

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  3. ExMM

    ExMM Notebook Evangelist

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    LOL.... did u use a weird version of google translate?? Funniest post ever... :D
  4. __-_-_-__

    __-_-_-__ God

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    some serious issues... lol
    very amusing post
  5. gaah

    gaah Notebook Deity

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    hahaha... yeah, I have some incite into this technology from personal experience. I began to think that outside billboards, walls, and visual displays, screens are actually fairly obsolete and might end up being fully replaced in the near future, but then there's this whole dark side to what I know about it. lol I guess. it's all pretty serious actually, it's really possible and happening. yeah it sounded pretty standard till I went into it as a side topic. at best you might find it interesting if you're not concerned about it. I was thinking the other day when reading about the NSA illegally monitoring all Internet traffic, that's really the least of our concerns. although they probably are utilizing artificial intelligence and collecting data on everyone's behavior to sort through it all, find patterns, learn about people, I'm sure they could find out who and where you are, just by monitoring internet traffic even if you pop up in a new location without directly identifying yourself, but I'm sure they're doing the same thing with voice communications, such as phones and even public monitoring with very sensitive microphones, body and building scanners, watching your physiological responses from afar, with this almost unknown technology called synthetic telepathy and psychotronics. the voice analyzing software I've witnessed is insane, it can accurately read your emotion, acts, and thought merely by following a few seconds of communication over a phone call or recorded conversation. it tracks your arousal, tone, pitch, detects the emotional and thought embedded in language really well. then when they want they call roll up in a vehicle miles away and track, watch you inside buildings, and explore your memory and function using synthetic telepathy. heck they could have secretly installed mind scanners at air ports or drive around monitoring random people. they can watch your dreams, feel what you feel, precisely monitor all this and follows your memory, thought, and internal monologue, even if you don't verbally speak, act or communicate something, they can see it and any associated memory or thought. the technology also seems fully capable of remotely controlling your brain, controlling dreams with what appears to be fully produced dream scapes (they use story boards and everything), sending thought, imagery, sound, feeling, etc, and stimulating your body in different ways.

    funny enough, it sounds hilarious and crazy. just the way they like it. seriously.
  6. Qing Dao

    Qing Dao Notebook Deity

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    Do these remote controls for your brain have a mute button?
  7. gaah

    gaah Notebook Deity

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    actually its really up to what they want to do to you, you have little control over what a remote brain computer interface is sending to your brain or body, you know.

    I think the prediction is that this will eventually be in consumer technology, you'll have a link to a computer that tracks you around your house for example, which monitors your thought, passively sending information to you, ideas for recipes for example, letting you check your email with your mind, new methods of teaching much like how they learned new skills in th e movie th e matrix (computer sends signals to your subconciousness, embeds thought and memory upon request, or simulates learning), it will be like youu know it without needing to study or interpret anything, computers will know you based on your thought patterns instead of using passwords, and electronics will even power themselves using your bodies energy, heat, and electro magnetic energy. some of this was part of IBMs 5 in 5 initiative, 5 new technologies in 5 years. but from what I can tell its been around for along time in much more complex forms.

    but on this whole issue, don't have much more to add about it... plenty of information about it on google, although no specifics on the hardware or programs themselves.
  8. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:.....

    Anywho, I'd rather not have any implants in my head, thanks. Privacy concerns > technology.
  9. gaah

    gaah Notebook Deity

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    I fully agree, its one of the things I'll be advocating for if I ever get the chance. human life deserves respect, not exploitation. this technology is also very invasive and you have no way to know who is monitoring you or what they're doing to you. they already have a term for stealing someone's thought this way. its called intellectual property theft. they can find out anything you know or experienced, steal ideas and information.

    you should be aware that this technology doesn't rely on implants or need to have physical contact with your body to work. electromagnetic energy like microwaves, maybe the terahertz band between microwaves and infared are used, as well as sound encoded with emotion and messages are used. it has a several mile and greater range, some aspects even work from satelites in space, and it can read your brain waves and energy, and make a connection to your brain or body. the latest brain computer interfaces don't use electrodes anymore, or wires inside your body or brain. they read the energy produced by the brain, and photons aimed at the brain are sufficient in manipulating or sending information to the brain. its called a non invasive bci (check Wikipedia). apparently the brain recognizes photons like certain radio and microwave energy like it were coming from a neighboring neuron, and the brain learns to communicate and take commands from it like it were part of the brain or nervous system. you know that EMI produced by the wiring in your house can make you see or feel things that aren't there? this might be a more finely tuned and controlled version of that phenomenon...

    UK Indymedia - Synthetic Telepathy - The Article Wikipedia Did Not Want You To Read
  10. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    I just... just... How do I respond? :confused:

    First you talk about displays, and now it's gone off to this tin-foil stuff about spying through telepathy and other non-existent technologies and/or abilities? Of course there's spying, but that's nothing new. But your posts are...interesting, I suppose... I find it hard enough to connect my laptop to a router a few feet away, how in the world would my brain output as much power as a WiFi card? :confused:

    So... is this an attempt to get us to increase the stock price of Renoylds Wrap? :p

    At any rate, this should probably be moved to Off-Topic.
  11. Aikimox

    Aikimox Weihenstephaner!

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    Back to the screens,

    IMHO, the DreamColor and PremierColor IPS panels are top dogs with HP leading the race (less tinting and bleeding issues; mobile display assistant allowing you to switch between different profiles on the fly). Apple's Retina is a great screen, with a higher res and very sharp image but its not a wide gamut panel and doesn't have a matte version. Plus, if you only use Mac OSX, the actual res is 1920x1200 with double scaling. I'd give retina the 3rd place, along with the 15.6" 95% ARGB Matte TN, probably the best of TN panels.
    Other than that, there's really nothing interesting on the market right now and that's a shame...
  12. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    Would be nice if Lenovo would bring back the Flexview displays from the T60 era, though I'm not complaining about the ARGB display either :rolleyes:
  13. Aikimox

    Aikimox Weihenstephaner!

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    Yes, those were some great panels. If Lenovo could bring em back and bump the gamut - dreams. :rolleyes: :(
  14. __-_-_-__

    __-_-_-__ God

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    any external screen > notebook screens