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    SSD not being detected

    Discussion in 'Hardware Components and Aftermarket Upgrades' started by Karamazovmm, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Karamazovmm

    Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!

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    Howdy, I just received back my SSD, and guess what? it aint being detected at all by my mbp

    I did the basic things:

    1) format the SSD inside OSX, to check if it was working, strangely it gave me a warning that it wasnt at all

    2) formated anyway and checked the health of the HDD, it reported fine

    those steps were conducted using a USB caddy that I have

    3) put the SSD in the bay and proceed to install OSX, no dice, it isnt detected, even using terminal

    4) removed the ssd and put in the usb enclosure and tried to hook to my windows machine, no dice, had to reformat again to be visible

    5) put back again in the mbp, not detected again

    My guess is that its something that is broken in it, its a corsair F120 using the SF 1200 controller

    I will try to do some verification as to the condition of the SSD using chkdisk, since its fruitless to use disk utility

    any advice on options or apps that I should use?

    PS: its a mbp 13, early 2011, code 8.1
  2. Tsunade_Hime

    Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow

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    I would avoid SF SSDs in general with Mac, I had so many headaches with them. Intel and Samsung I recommend especially with older MacBook Pros.
  3. Karamazovmm

    Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!

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    yeah tell me about it, I would simply avoid SF in general, though its the drive that I have, my purchase of the m500 480gb fell through

    in the end Im stuck with that thing till I can get another one, and preferably would like it to be usable on other systems, i.e. I will put it in my sister notebook or my mothers
  4. Tsunade_Hime

    Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow

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    I know MBP were having issues with the Vertex 3 and 4. Might be an OCZ firmware issue. If you can still find M4 those work too.
  5. Karamazovmm

    Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!

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    readily available only the sandisk and the corsair f3 SSDs, and only at 120gb, I saw 1 neutron gtx 240gb, but Im not thrilled about those, its brazil, basically they started selling SSDs a year ago, and only SF1200 at that time

    CHKDSK done, nothing wrong found, crystal disk info reports healthy, disk utility says the same.

    firmware is 2.0, I noticed there is the 2.4 available, though Im not thrilled to go that route and update it, since they have various force series and doesnt specify if its for SF1200 or SF2281

    Basically what I dont understand is why it isnt being recognised when its plugged into the sata port, instead of the usb enclosure.

    Im going to install it in my other notebook to see if I can boot from there, and for the life in me I cant find the damned usb that I keep my windows install. so ubuntu it is

    EDIT: and guess what its installing ubuntu alright on the other machine and guess what it works

    I discarded a firmware problem, since the first 2 I used 1.6, then I received one with 2.0, and the last is this one with the same firmware

    simply something isnt agreeing with this SSD and that sata port in the mac, Im truly clueless as to what to do

    EDIT2: this is getting quite ridiculous. I was able to finally boot the SSD in the mac, with the ubuntu install that I made earlier on the windows notebook! at least its being recognized this time.

    EDIT3: yeah its being recognized alright in ubuntu, try to install OSX and it fails... my next try will be installing OSX in target disk mode and just try to see if it works
  6. Karamazovmm

    Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!

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    Now what I just did:

    1) create 3 partitions on the SSD, OSX and ubuntu
    2) go to the windows notebook and delete 1 partition so that I can have some unallocated space
    3) install OSX in target disk mode (currently thats what im doing)
    4) shove it inside and see if it works
    5) curse athena because it didnt work again
    6) install ubuntu
    7) it works, simply works, grub gives me the options, but I cant boot into OSX, gives me some kext error

    I will try latter to see if I can install OSX again on that freaking SSD

    its something related to OSX that doesnt suddenly like my SSD at all, despite having the same firmware, on the same machine

    Thats why I hate IT sometimes, its all about hardware touchy feelings, not a precise science, damn it