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    Core 2 Vs Nehalem

    Discussion in 'Hardware Components and Aftermarket Upgrades' started by HSN21, May 7, 2009.

  1. HSN21

    HSN21 Notebook Deity

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    I'm i missing something here? nehalem seems to be slower and more expensive
    I hope someone explain the whole thing cause it seems i'm not getting it right

    Why would anyone upgrade to Nehalem? according to the information that's available about nehalem is that intel will release 3 processors

    Quad 1.60 GHZ For 364$
    Quad 1.73 GHZ For 546$
    Quad 2.00 GHZ For 1054$

    Quad Cores 2 available Right now

    Core 2 Quad Q9000 2000 MHz 345$
    Core 2 Quad Q9100 2266 MHz 851$
    Core 2 Quad X9300 2533 MHz 1038$

    Then there is Dual Core 2 Duo

    Core 2 Duo P8700 2533 MHZ 240$
    Core 2 Duo T9550 2667 MHZ 316$
    Core 2 Duo T9800 2933 MHZ 530$

    Also a Core 2 duo +3GHZ coming in june which going to replace T9800 (So thats +3GHZ core 2 for 500$ or less depends on june price drops)

    Intel gonna price drop All Core 2 processors up to 30-40% in June or so according the news

    So why the in the world should i buy Nehalem? i plan to upgrade my current laptop this holiday at December why should i pay over a grand for Cpu only when i can get the old Quad Core 2 2.000 MHZ for less than 1000$ with the laptop itself and everything in it ????? or the +3GHZ dual core 2 duo which i assume gonna be better than the 1.6GHZ nehalem with Games and most applications

    I''m not bashing nehalem here, i do not buy AMD cpus im an Intel fan but i can not find a reason to pick nehalem over Core 2 in 2009 holidays at least , I'm sure intel gonna show up newer ones with faster speeds in 2010+
  2. ZaZ

    ZaZ Super Model Super Moderator

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    Unless you have a need for very intensive CPU tasks, the quads may not offer a huge benefit for the price. I'm not super up on Nehalem, but one reason is they may be more efficient. It was the same thing when the Pentium Ms were released. They had much lower clock speeds than the Pentium 4-Ms they replaced, which were over 2GHz, but the Pentium Ms did much more work per clock cycle, making them faster.
  3. HSN21

    HSN21 Notebook Deity

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    Maybe its little faster than Current Core 2 but isnt 1.600 MHZ Quad is a bottleneck for Games that only support Dual Cores?

    I'm trying to find if there is something here cause i want to upgrade my laptop in Christmas :confused:
  4. Kamin_Majere

    Kamin_Majere =][= Ordo Hereticus

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    Nehelam is pretty amazing. The clock speeds are low, but the CPU's themselves are optimized for different core uses.

    If its a single core thread the CPU will Overclock itself and run quite a bit faster (some have said up to 1gHz) and it will Over clock itself about half that much in a dual core thread. The only time they run at stock clocks is when its in a multi core thread application which you still getting 1.6-2.0 ghz

    Also these quads are supposedly running at 35watts... freaking amazing! Imagine what they can do with a 45-50 watt Nehelam laptop CPU ;)

    I was kind of bummed out about the clock speeds as well when i first learned of them (was expecting 2.5+) but as i read up on them i've gotten more and more impressed.
  5. HSN21

    HSN21 Notebook Deity

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    Care to explain more about that? are you talking about turbo boost tech?

    so a 1.6 GHZ is still gonna be 1.6GHZ when you edit your videos lets say with video editing software that support 4 Cores but in gaming the 1.6 Quad will put 2 cores in sleep mode and turn into Dual 2.000~ and with single core applications it gonna be around 2.500 single core~ well that's still not impressive at all specially when you see the Cost of it

    What does Nehalem bring new to the market

    Dual Core 2 duo 3.06 GHZ is still low W and not expensive as nehalem plus its faster in Real life use unless you wanna Edit HD Videos i assume which most mainstream people wont bother with and hardcore users do not care about W they care about speed and QX9300 seems to be the better option here

    I think the whole low W nehalem is huge mistake from Intel and they should release something like 45W Quad with speeds of 2.200-2400-2600

    This Cpu suppose to release at the end of 2009 kinda and we are getting 1.6 GHZ? even atom is 1.6 lol (I know atom is way weaker but just saying)

    What did you read that made you get impressed cause from what i see "numbers of speeds on paper" im not like you
  6. Mormegil83

    Mormegil83 I Love Lamp.

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    i'm in same boat as you. As in i don't know too much about nehalem, but i think it's fairly safe to assume that Intel is not retarded. haha (some will disagree)
  7. HSN21

    HSN21 Notebook Deity

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    They are definitely not retard and i can and do see there point business wise
    If they give the market Quad Core Nehalem with speed of 2.500 with decent price as Kamin_Majere thought

    That make the entire Dual Core market absolute which Intel is still dominating and selling them like hot cakes... i suspect that intel wont give us what we want until Dual core 2 sells start slowing down which they are not when you look at intel profit every Q of the Year.......if they give us Decent Quad speeds with decent price now they gonna kill a market which is still alive... they are saving the decent Quad nehalem for a reason to upgrade later on for current dual core 2 users

    If AMD was still there Intel wouldnt do that........
    Over 1050$ for 1000 sell a Quad 2000? are you kidding me Intel? HP gonna give this cpu upgrade optional for 1500$... lol

    They cant do this in the desktop matter because AMD is still doing good there for performance/price value but AMD is almost dead in the mobile market right now....
  8. Mormegil83

    Mormegil83 I Love Lamp.

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    I dont' think core 2 duo users will be able to upgrad to nehalem (its a whole new platform) b/c of the new hyperbridge transport thing??? (whatever they call it) that does away with FSB. unless you mean buy a new notebook

    Your probably right about the holding out on the good stuff for later b/c C2D is still doing so well. Their just isn't enough multi-threaded software out yet to really go any further at this point...
  9. HSN21

    HSN21 Notebook Deity

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    Yeah i meant upgrading to new laptop not new cpu
    we need the old AMD back -.-;; thank god AMD still matters in the Desktop Cpu market.... i don't even want to imagine what Intel would do if AMD closes down

    Any idea whats AMD plans in the future for mobile market? "Sorry but I'm not following AMD news lately"
  10. ambientmf

    ambientmf Newbie

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    Intel QuickPath Interconnect, to be precise.
    And you're right, it totally does away with Front-side Bus which will make the normal Socket 775/P Core 2 incompatible.
    Not to mention it's a different socket for Nehalem (1366).
  11. weirdo81622

    weirdo81622 Notebook Evangelist

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    As mentioned before, the efficiency of Nehalem is amazing. The rough conversion from a Pentium 4 to Core 2 clockspeed is about 1.8 (each core of a core 2 is 1.8x as fast as an equivalent p4 core, so a 2ghz core2 is like a 3.6ghz p4). There will be a similar difference between core 2 and nehalem. Not 1.8x, but something (1.3?) will be there. It's pretty safe to say that with each of the 3 new quads will outperform their corresponding core 2 quad.

    And yes, Intel is not stupid... (if they were, that would be very bad)
  12. Luke1708

    Luke1708 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    I think it's effective clock is faster than the current quads but their new clocks are at that speed. just like the core 2 duo 2ghz is faster than the p4 3.2ghz.
  13. sgogeta4

    sgogeta4 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    The new Nehalems have 4 cores and 4 hyperthreads, so it will perform a lot better in multithreaded apps. Really the first wave of Nehalems will only be significant for users who can take advantage of this. Most users don't even require a high end Core 2 and will not notice any benefit w/ these Nehalems compared to their current counter parts. Gaming for the most part isn't much better than current Core 2's, also while they are about 15-20% faster clock for clock (so the 2GHz Nehalem w/ hyperthreading disabled should perform around a 2.4GHz Core 2 Quad), they also consume about 10% more power (they are more power efficient as the speed benefit outweighs the increased power consumption).
  14. HSN21

    HSN21 Notebook Deity

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    Still even with the 20%-25% faster that 1.6 GHZ will barely reach the 2.000 Speed

    Q9000 is already at 2.000 Speed and available dirt cheap

    I don't want new processor to be Equal to the Current old Quads
    I expected more from a New Generation Processor (Like how Dual Core 2 was super amazing at it times) i think the only benefit from Nehalem Quads is that they do fit in 15 Inch laptops because of there power efficiency unlike the Current Quads which is only found in 17 Inch or bigger Laptops

    Is there any other benefit with nehalem? For example that i heard it play HD videos way much better than old Dual core 2 how true is that?

    Cause right now the 3.06 GHZ Dual Core 2 duo seems to be the Best option really....
  15. IntelUser

    IntelUser Notebook Deity

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    HSN21, don't worry or think about Nehalem now. Intel is really being secretive with their future products, and the usual sources that reveal them don't even know properly. Their dual core versions Clarkdale/Arrandale are supposed to clock high so I wouldn't know what's up if the quad cores clock low. The duals will kick arse with the quad cores in everything if that's the case.

    NEW: I believe the 35W Quad Core Clarksfield parts are merely Intel wanting to bring more quad cores to the mainstream. Being a 35W(which is really a 25W CPU and 10W northbridge) part would allow the Clarksfield to go into small form factors like the Macbook Air. Quad Core thin and light laptop anyone?

    The thing you'd want looks like the 55W(45W+10W) part quad cores. By the time the CPUs are released there will be so many CPUs out you wouldn't know what to choose from, just like now.