i recently repasted my laptop twice with gellid xtreme
i took a lot of pictures but its such a pain to get pictures to this forum.
with a highest allowed overclock the cpu temperatures are 12 c lower. down in the 83c with no cooler compared to 95, and even 89 with the first repaste.
In short, so far as I can tell, and this should apply to the x7 also, the most important part to repaste is the connection to cpu heat synch from the single gpu heat synch, to re paste that bar.
And it is likely the spot that could benefit from some sort of solid copper wrap.
In fact the heat synch is combined iwth a brass sort of box which would be great to turn into solid copper.
anyhow this is a place holder for various pictures of aorus x5 dissasembly and answering any questions.
this is a temperature graph of several max overclocked firestrike tests in a row and you can see there is no throttling and it makes a huge difference
i would say the gpu goes down maybe only 1c or 2c. you have to realize that doing this can even make the gpu temperature go up. thats because the heat pipes go through the gpus to the fan
so the reason this laptops gpus are so frigid is because the cpu is not sending the heat away
the cpu is cooled by 3 heat pipes 2 from gpu 1, 1 from gpu 2, connected with paste.
that is it. the concept that you can leave the whole heat synch assembled and leave the bar with the og thermalpaste still there is a bad idea, thats the problem with this paste job. that bar is 1/3 of all the heat synch going from the cpu. it makes more difference than repasting the actual cpu which was a fine job
Now that is a prime spot for arctic silver or coollaboratory semi permanent glue. It can easily be permanently joined even welded.Last edited: Sep 11, 2015 -
can you make an imgur album maybe?
I am so frustrated at these purported performance companies, investing no doubt significant capital in R&D to optimise the engineering on performance laptops, then they appear to skimp on something as rudimentary as the pasting.
Really, aorus?stamar likes this. -
Well i didnt get into depth on the pasting job before my pictures
This is my first pasting job and i had to do 2 tries to get it right.
And who knows maybe you can do better than me also.
Watched a lot of videos on it.
As an amature i can say i dont like the design that connects 3 hest synchs... It makes no sense because heat from thr gpu actually travels to the cpu.
Next the connection of pasting a 2nd heat synch on first that slows heat from traveling through. -
I dont know if its paste quality or application. When i have thr pictures you can decide. I would like more expert feedback on modification and may take a thermal picture.
You have a gpu at 44 and a cpu at 83 on the same line. I think the heat is just barely stsrting to travel to heat synch 2 -
83 degrees for a cpu is still plenty hot.
Broadwell cpu starts ti throttle somewhere in 92 to 95.
So if overclocked physics firestrike temp( what i use as goal) stays below 90 it worka. But 83 is great -
ok ill try to upload pictures in this post and then ill describe them later
ok the first 3 tell most of the story so im stopping here for a minute
so you see the past on the dies after both heat synchs are removed....
so this gives you an idea if you want to take them off and redo them
and then i show the blank spot on the cpu heat synch for the heat arm from the single gpu heat synch to be pasted on. just to give you the entire concept, this is where this heat synch is different than most others.
ok also look at this heat synch.... one of the other two arms goes to the fan.... the other goes to.... the other gpu...? then technically it goes to the fan...
so this heat arm cools the cpu by connecting it to a gpu?
Ok now this does cool it in a way because the gpu is only 50c and the cpu is 80c but arent you looking for something not generating heat? if you literally cut this wont the end now be connected to something room temperature?
the avermedia is one of the two on the right closest to front farthest from fans.Last edited: Sep 13, 2015 -
and these pictures show the og paste on the whole heat synch, and then after cleaning it.
then antother pic with just one heat synch installed.
keep in mind i did the job twice once as an assembly once one peice at a time.
do the latter.
i am missing a picture of the paste job on this spot here before cleaning but it was terrible.
notice the many square thermal pads on the heat synch, and the brass box on both heat synch parts.
i reused them but replacing could be good, or possibly pasting them
and also a picture that shows the yellow cmos battery i had to unplug because my bios got corrupted.Last edited: Sep 13, 2015 -
feel free to ask any questions. I think pasting experts will call the oem pasting bad.
while im at it I will throw out that I am in the bay area and have all the tools and cleaning and pasting supplies to do this many times now.
35 bucks I suppose. only gigabytes or I suppose clevos.( or just not msi laptops)Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
repasting aorus x5
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by stamar, Sep 11, 2015.