I been enjoying my X3 V3 for gaming . I installed StarCraft 2 and ran in ultra setting running 1920 x 1080. I was running fine then as i had more things on the screen it started to stutter and creep to an unplayable frame rate. Dropping the setting to moderate helped. I was surprised that the X3 Plus with tne new Nvidia 9xx card couldn't handle a game that's a few years old.
Blizzard games are always more CPU intensive. I would check your temperatures.
Temps are never above 72 C for GPU and 75 C for CPU
You sure it's launching using NVIDIA and not Intel?
yes I am pretty sure. Plus I don't think Starcraft two with launch and play correctly using just the lntel card
Last edited: Feb 20, 2015 -
if you havent already put the fans on maximum. and into high performance mode profile. it thats will guarantee you full power non stop.
Thats how I have it set and been able to keep my temps low. Open to any other suggestions though.
ummm id say reinstall drivers but honestly no idea about that game from any experience really. i just didnt expect it to choke on that game when i strained my card and it was fine besides one hiccup that was the games fault.
Thanks! -
You can control it from the NVIDIA Control Panel.
"i would be able to run it at those settings but not 60+FPS for entire game. as the game gets longer framerate is going to drop no matter what system. starcraft engine isn't that good." -
With starcraft it's usually the CPU especially when there are many units on the screen, I've experienced that many times, I have 970m and i7-4720, and they don't matter, once there are many units it'll crap out on you ..........
coolesnce likes this. -
Although maybe I should ask my friend who plays starcraft on his MacBook pro, and see if that makes any difference -
Last edited: Feb 23, 2015coolesnce likes this.
X3Plus V3 Starcraft 2- Ultra setting = slow frame rate :-(
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by coolesnce, Feb 20, 2015.