Has anyone been able to successfully update to the 1903 update on a P35x, or any of the other Gigabyte laptops? My P35x v5 was very stable on 1809, and had no difficulty with that update. But the 1903 update hangs partway through the second reboot. I have made an exhaustive effort to update all drivers, disabled antivirus - and have even tried a local install from downloaded media, but it always hangs at the Gigabyte logo after restart. I posted on the Windows forum, but none of the suggestions worked.
Any thoughts? Anyone else updated?
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I had a hangup once, but it was because I had a USB plugged in. If you have any peripherals, disconnect them all then see if the Windows 10 will complete the update.
Joe -
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Joe -
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Check that one off.
Win 10 1903 on P35x or other Gigabytes?
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Jdpurvis, Jun 4, 2019.