I currently have P870km1-G with maxed out specs :
32gb ram
1tb ssd
2tb hdd
3k 120hz G-sync monitor
Sure the laptop performance is the top of the top , but i don't know why but I just don't love this laptop. Maybe that's because I've sacrificed portability, premium feeling, design, and world warranty for upgradeability and performance.
My question is, if i wait for volta or 8th generation cpu, will it be worth the upgrade. I am not only asking about the performance, but more. Such as Build quality, portability, upgradability, unboxing experience. I am kinda willing to have premium experience, instead of regular cardboard box, and waiting to fix my laptop for 3 weeks. Will Aorus deliver that?
Any current Aorus X7 Dt v6, or V7 users out there or anyone who experienced Aorus customer service please answer this question Thank you!
I was all for trying them but then I learned that the bottom panel on some of their models is plastic? If they are going for thin and premium they should have an all metal body, bottom line.
You'll have to wait for quite a bit if you want Volta. Plus, it will likely be better to wait for a Volta-specific chassis, not a reuse of an old one
Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
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The best use case for the X7s is getting top tier performance with a 17" screen in a package that doesn't cause weight problems when flying. The big Clevo lappies can hit 13 lbs with power supply, even a very light bag can be over weight for carry on without one further item. In a world where some airlines will force you to check it no matter how much money you try and throw at em they can become a serious problem if you fly often, It's why I got rid of mine. Other than that a top of the line 17" Clevo is going to be a better package in most respects. They aren't pretty though, that's for sure. Still no matter what you do with your laptop pretty gives you exactly nothing in terms of objective performance. In fairness this would be a good time to mention I think I'm in the minority here because I don't give a crap what my laptop looks like, it's a tool to me, nothing more.
About the plastic, I'm not sure that is the case. Get it, the case? bwa ha ha. Ok, that was bad. Seriously the bottom of my laptop is quite stiff, far more than I would expect from plastic. The top on the other hand (which is definitely not plastic) has quite a bit of flex. The back side cap is plastic, a TSA goon helped prove that by slappig my lappy around on a stainless steel table and putting a bit of a gouge in it.
Unless things change with the next iteration about every other OEM in the world is going to tempt you with a new Volta packing lappy before Auorus gets theirs on the market so you're going to have a lot of temptation between you and an X7 V8. -
Thinking to Sell my Clevo P870KM1-G and wait for Aorus X7 Dt v8 or V9. What do you guys think?
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by EORUCIGN, Sep 4, 2017.