I have received this laptop from Newegg for about 1 week now, it is a nice laptop overall, but i have some doubts about my unit.
1. I saw that most units on the Internet reviews have that "X-rite Pantone" label locate at the bottom right hand corner of their screens, but my unit does not have it.
2. When i got my unit, the "power cycle count" of the SSD hard drive is over 200 times (i checked this data using a few different software). After using it for about one week, the "power cycle count" rises to about 300 times and the "Power on time" comes to 7 hours.
I'm suspecting that i got an open-box laptop (at least the SSD hard drive), because it is very strange to see that a new laptop has a "power cycle count" over 200 times.
Guys, what is the condition of your new Aero 15 regarding the two issues i mentioned? What do you think?
Does Newegg sell open-box units or Gigabyte uses some old parts on their new laptops or i'm just being too suspicious?
I wonder if the power cycle count is due to Windows power saving turning off the ssd. I don't think you got a use laptop rather just QC issues in terms of thr stickers and whatnot
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk -
I have kept observing the power cycle count, the number only increases if i turn off the laptop. I hope that more people who got this laptop could help me to verify my concerns, cause for a new laptop 200+ power cycle counts is way too much.
Another question i have for this laptop is that i notice that there is a battery icon near the bottom right hand corner of the touch pad. Based on their advertisement, Gigabyte named it as the "battery click", their advertisement is like:
"Because details count, we have added a “battery click” function to keep track of the remaining battery life. You can now know exactly how much battery is left without even turning your laptop on, just by looking at the icon next to your trackpad."
but i don't think this function is working at all, at least on my unit. Anyone can confirm me on this? -
The battery meter works on my Aero 15 when I press down on the trackpad. There's a tiny battery icon there to tell you where to press.
Thanks guys, i think it worked, but i have to press the corner of the trackpad really hard, which is why it did not work previously when i only pressed it gently. To be honest, i don't think that's a good design when it requires such firm press on the trackpad, also considering the fact that right click on the trackpad is not that sensitive on my unit, sometimes i have to press the trackpad twice to finish the right click function, so i stopped doing that and only use the two-finger-tap function to achieve the same purpose.
How do you guys feel about the sensitivity of the right click function on your trackpad? -
What is the "power cycle count" of your SSD? I used HD tune and crystaldisk to check that when i got my unit one week back, they all showed the same results, over 200 times, which is also wired for a new laptop. -
My trackpad is the same way. I think this is how it's designed.
agent_pires likes this. -
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I wonder if that made them to a lot of charge/drain testing on each battery? Just speculation, I can't imagine re-shipping open box products could result in that many cycles, since the product hasn't actually been out that long.
http://crystalmark.info/software/CrystalDiskInfo/index-e.html -
hours: 7
This is after iunlock had it for a couple of days and I've had it for 4 days. -
agent_pires likes this.
I got another question, it's regarding the coil noise. I can hear a constant coil noise if i put my ear close to the bottom left hand corner of "C" side (the side with keyboard) of the laptop. The noise is not noticeable for normal use, but it is very annoying if you put your ear within 10 cm from that corner. This issue exists no matter what, i set the fan speed to quiet, it is still there, so definitely not caused by the fan. I suspect it has something to do with the SSD, cause the same location on the right corner does not have the noise.
What is the condition of your laptop regarding this issue? -
You said all your doubts are gone
Some doubts of my new Gigabyte Aero 15
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by PT.Gigabyte, May 13, 2017.