So I uh got it today and updated the GPU driver and now SLI doesnt work. Tried to roll back and now its saying my hardware isnt compatable -_- as far as first impressions go... not super stoked about a future of relying on OEM updated gpu drivers. Is there a mod or something to make SLI work on the latest drivers? If not do we know why this laptop is such a special snowflake and only lets SLI work in a 9 month old driver?
So an update: I used system restore to rollback the driver and now occasionally when the system boots the second 970m disappears and cant be used or detected by the system. Wtf
Hmm you might have a failing gpu. You can try a fresh install with stock drivers. If it still disappears i would contact support.
I'm going to watch it closely but in the meantime does anyone know exactly what changes in the OEM Nvidia drivers vs the ones from their website that lets sli work?
Did a clean install of 368.69 and it now works! Apparently the issue is actually contained in 368.81. Marking thread as solved
Solved - Aorus X7 Pro V5 Sli issue
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by droidmahn, Aug 11, 2016.