I have the Aero 15x (8750H, 1070mQ)
For some reason every time SmartManager launches (so typically every reboot), it resets my keyboard mapping. For example if I press the "T" key, it will type 2. Rebooting resets the keyboard layout back to normal, until SM reopens.
Removing SM from Start Up prevents the issue, but of course I want to use SM. The only way to correct the mapping while SM is open, is to run the keyboard firmware updater.
I was 7.4.3 on and I reinstalled it. Didn't work. Downgraded to 7.4.1 (which came with the laptop and worked fine), but the issue was there too.
Pretty much everything is up to date (Windows, SmartUpdate)
Any help/ suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
So I figured out the fix.
If you open up Gigabyte Fusion and go to Settings > Clear Assignments, this fixes the issue.
I seems like every time SmartManager was opening, it was loading a corrupted keyboard layout from Fusion.
Hope this helps someone with the same issue.AXZ 042 likes this. -
You just made my day, really, thanks!
SmartManager resetting keyboard mapping every reboot
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by CaDaMac, Jul 3, 2018.