So apart from the GPU driver which I should get from Nvidia's website, which drivers from the Gigabyte website should I install over Windows 10 automatic driver installer? I'm quite confused because some users say just let Windows install the drivers for you, but others insist on downloading it from the laptop manufacturer's website? Using a P55v6 laptop.
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
Install the drivers from Gigabyte's support page as those are guaranteed to work fine. Same goes for Nvidia's driver if you ask me. The latest official drivers have had a lot of bugs recently so it's worth "lagging" behind by 1-2 driver revisions so as to avoid as many problems as you can.
arenaboy007 likes this. -
Thank you! On a side note, Dolby Atmos seems to be missing from the driver library of the P55W v6 from Gigabyte's website?
Personally, I update Gigabyte's/Windows drivers, (whichever has a newer one) then update the Intel and Nvidia drivers from their websites respectively.
arenaboy007 likes this.
1) run windows update
2) download Intel Update Utility, run and install any driver it recommends
3) either download Nvidia driver from the website, or use GeForce experience to udpate graphics drivers.
4) open smart update and check Driver Version column against both Official Driver and Latest Driver versions, if the version in either the Official or Lastest Driver columns are higher, then click on that version, and it will download and install that driver. (this sometimes takes awhile with larger drivers, like Audio drivers
For reference, here is what I see when using Smart Update:
Notice that some drivers in the Driver Version are a newer version then the ones recommended by Smart Update.arenaboy007 likes this. -
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Question regarding drivers
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by arenaboy007, May 6, 2017.