Hey guys, I just got my P37 in the mail. I installed an mSATA 256GB SSD and would like to use it as my boot drive for Windows. I already formatted it and cloned my OS over from the HDD. When I go into BIOS, it won't let me change my the boot drive. It looks like windows boot manager is locked in with the HDD and doesn't give me the option to change it. Is there another menu in windows I'm missing? I searched for a couple hours and all the sites say to switch in BIOS but I literally cannot. Help please!!
Probably need to delete the secure boot keys.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Any way you can verify that the clone was successful? Your new mSATA SSD should be capable of being designated as the new boot drive so long as it has a Windows boot manager on it and you can rearrange the hard drive BBS priority.
Are you attempting to boot to the SSD with the hard drive still installed? (If so, remove it and see if you are able to boot to the SSD then.)
P37 BIOS Trouble
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by johnnybravo81, Sep 14, 2015.