How is the build quality vs MSI ghost ?
Is the casing made of plastic or metal (alu )?
Also is that combo up/down button terrible to use ?
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
chris_laptopfan Notebook Consultant
@ All owners of the P34G v2:
Could you guys please compare your fan noise levels with the ones in Xotic's video review (especially the benchmark part from 15:30 to 21:00)?
Your feedback would be very helpful!
It's hard to get a actual impression of the fan noise, as the microphone is standing right next to the fan vents. So maybe in the video it sounds worse than it actually is? Could you guys compare it with fan noise in "real life"?
Can you confirm the up and down spinning fans which can be seen in the video during 3dmark vantage while gaming on automatic fan mode or do you guys get a constant fan stage? And if constant, which stage? Maximum or lower? And additionally how are the temps during gaming in automatic fan mode?
Really don't wanna be nitpicking, but the permanent changing fan behaviour seems to be a bit annoying and the max fan noise (16:23; That is the maximum i guess??) also is quite noisy!
I could easily live with the second highest fan stage (15:54?) but on a constant level and not spinning up to max, then after a couple of seconds down to 2nd highest, down to even lower stage and again up to maximum and so on...
Thanks in advance for helping!! :thumbsup: -
chris, in reply to the fans. Whhen gaming mine eventually hit a high speed and stays there. I dont know if its the max or not, or one step below. It doesnt fluctuate, it stays steady, and then drops to quiet once you exit the game. I leave mine set to automatic.
chris_laptopfan likes this. -
Just got mine
It's late at night so I'll do a proper right up/review then
First impressions: wow, this thing is excellent. Build quality seems fantastic, absolutely no keyboard flex, aluminum feels great and keyboard is very springy. Touchpad surface is very soft and frictionless, also seems very responsive (2 finger scrolling and zooming is VERY responsive; no twitching). Tried battlefield 4 on high; 60fps xD -
Does the GPU really only reach 72c?
i have seen various reviews and seems most now can stay around that temp.
Btw guys i wanna know is the 4gb gtx 860m in this laptop maxwell or kepler?
chris_laptopfan Notebook Consultant
If you would compare your gaming fan stage/speed with the fan speeds in the videoreview, to which time of the video would you point, where you think this might be the same fan speed?
Anyone else with just a short feedback? Would be very helpful, as this issue (or not) would be more or less the only thing that prevents me from choosing the P34G v2...
Thanks guys. -
Videos are made; uploading and editing now.
What screen does this notebook use? Can someone check with HWinfo please?
Should i get the 2gb gtx 860m or th 4gb one with this laptop?
I checked my fan speeds in Borderlands 2, and its one down from the max/turbo, and will sometimes drop for 15-20 seconds then go back to the next to max speed. It doesnt fluctuate that often, and is usuaully steady at the second to highest.
chris_laptopfan likes this. -
HWInfo says its an AUO113D panel.
So somebody can take a picture of the adapter near to the laptop? I have heard it is huge and heavy!
I'm torn between this and the Lenovo Y50. I think in the end it'll come down to build quality. What's it like on the Gigabyte? I hear the top aluminum lid is nice, but I'm worried about the cheap sounding plastics...
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chris_laptopfan likes this.
chris_laptopfan Notebook Consultant
You will provide us with the link here once it's uploaded i guess? -
Guys, I'm considering this as a Windows development machine. Hows the battery life for non-gaming tasks?
Has anyone gotten battery rundown times with the smaller battery version of the P34G v2? The one with the SSD+HDD. That seems to be the only version available in the U.S., and its predecessor was widely panned for only managing 1.5-2.5 hours on that battery.
So only concern with this laptop is the CPU temps, which apparantly get up to the lower 90s. Would repasting be able to lower them to maybe 85ish?
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Nice videos there, I'm almost sold on the P34G v2.
Just need to wait a few weeks for it to be released here in UK. -
Has anyone done a battery runtime for light tasks? -
chris_laptopfan Notebook Consultant
First of all, Thank you very much, Sebi for your videos!! Very great, very helpful!! :thumbsup:
To be honest i was quite a bit shocked when i heard (or not) the fans in your BF4 video and your Fan noise video.
I know, that in the Video Review of XoticPC the microphone was standing directly next to the fan vents and probably recorded the noise better than a smarthphone, but have never thought of such a huge difference!
The fans in your vids sound very very quiet!! Even the maximum stage doesn't sound very bad. Clearly hearable of course, but for max stage and under high/maximum load it seems to be more than just acceptable to me!
Please just let me ask you directly regarding the fan characterstics:
As some guys already confirmed that they have quite constant fan levels under load (gaming) with automatic fan mode, but therefore i just don't understand why the P34 v2 in the Xotic videoreview (benchmark section) had this strange up-and-down-fan behaviour?
Do you also get a constant fan stage/speed while gaming or did you make experiences with a similar jumpy fan behaviour like in the video review so far?
Sorry for asking that again and again, but i'm pretty surprised why this happend in Xotic's benchmark video but apparently not on the owners' devices here so far...
The fan noise while gaming is acceptable for you without headset too? I'm used to my Macbook Pro, which is very clearly hearable but not really loud while gaming, so that doesn't bother me at all. But i wouldn't like the P34G v2 to raise (much) over that fan loudness... -
Regarding XoticPC's video, in my opinion, is not very good. The reason for this is because you will never have your ear right by the fan (and neither will anyone else) so that position is kind of stupid. In addition, with the microphone positioned so close, the sound was amplified. You can easily replicate this problem; blow gently and quietly into any microphone and you will hear a loud buzz similar to the one in the video.
Regarding the fan "jumping", it is not a problem I have noticed. When setting fan speed to turbo (max fan speed) the fans are loud. However, when gaming, the fan noise seems to stay a step below that consistently. The only explanation I could find is that when doing benchmarks, the components are stressed in a different way thus requiring additional cooling.
Without a headset, the fans are noticeable when speakers are at 50%. When speakers are at 100% (which is not much), then the fans are unnoticeable.
Hope that helped! :thumbsup: -
chris_laptopfan Notebook Consultant
that helped very much! Thanks
I already thought that it might sound worse than it actually is because of the microphone's position right next to the fan vents.
You could be right, that this jumpy behaviour rather appears under synthetical benchmarks where the load might be not as consistently as it is on real computergames.
Personally i don't really have a problem with noticable fans, as i'm used to play on my macbook without headset and pretty low audio the most time, where the fans are clearly hearable, but nevertheless not disurbing to me.
In addition to that you won't concentrate on the fan noise during a exciting game, unless the game really sucks
I can barely believe that they really seem to have improved the fan noise so much, as this was one of the biggest disadvantages of the P34G, but in your vids the fans sound almost scary quiet
Just to confirm: Your videos were done in stock clocks, right? What do you think about the high CPU temps? Do you think of undervolting a bit with XTU? The gpu temps are very great though... -
chris_laptopfan Notebook Consultant
Btw. do you have games with integrated benchmarks, such as Tomb Raider, Hitman, Thief or Metro LL? I think those games are best possible comparable especially for stock vs. OC because of their scripted scenes and not showing only average fps, but also min and max fps.
Do you know when the CPU would begin throttling? As far as i know Nvidia sets the threshold for their gpus at about 92-93 °C. But don't know if it's the same threshold on Intel?
I'm looking forward to your videos :thumbsup:
Thanks in advance! -
Has anyone found this with the 63.64 watt hour battery in USA? I'm searching daily and coming up empty, already have upgrades sitting here waiting for the laptop. It's killing me, but I'm not settling for second best ether.
Can anyone try GTA4 how is that running with everything turned on?
Expect it soon
I can show you base game and with icenhancer 3.0DackEW likes this. -
@Sebi97 thanks for the videos, they're very informative! By any chance do you know how Crysis 3/any other CryEngine 3 game runs?
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Are there any new information about the release date in Europe, especially in Germany? What about the bigger battery - what is the battery life of the small (47wh) and the big one (63wh), with light usage (office, browsing minimal brightness)?
Will the big battery available in Europe? Does it replaced the SSD??? - said the will have it mid may. So the wait won't be too long from now I suppose. Alternate and computer universe have already listed the laptop if you search for it. However, the both will only have the smaller battery at first. I'm also waiting for the bigger battery to come out as this config for me personally is the closest to perfection. However, to my knowledge, no credible source is available by now which confirms the future existence and availability of the 63wh version. As the us guys wrote, they are also waiting for it to cone out. Typically they get the products some weeks ahead of us (everybody knows that Europe with it's 0.5bn population and biggest GDP worldwide is that important for new product launches.....:>) so until nobody of the us guys have it, it won't be out in Germany either.
My guess is mid June as this supposedly is also the launch for the p35g/w.
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk -
Everybody knows Europe is NOT that important.......
I think the irony came through anyways
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Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I am always up for suggestions though as we make these video for you guys. If you can suggest where a better placement would be I'll be happy to give it a shot.ChowMeow likes this. -
Did you get the upgraded TIM from Xoticpc? Just curious if the upgrade is worth it to have someone undo the factory heat sink mounting.
NEW Gigabyte P34 V2
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by IKAS V, Mar 16, 2014.