I've had this laptop for a couple of months now. It's been almost always plugged in. Yesterday, after a day of using it, I shut down the laptop and went to sleep. The next morning, I turn it on and I see a 'Low Battery' warning, then it turns off. I can see the light on the adapter, but I still change the plug outlet, no change. Plugged it in and out of the laptop. Nothing. What's going on here? It wasn't even running on battery yesterday, and even if it was, I left it shutdown overnight while plugged in.
Edit: Fixed after leaving it all day... Not sure what happened.
Good to hear that it fixed itself. The same issue happened to my Dell Alienware 17 R2 just out of warranty. IDK if this is true but someone told me it was because I didn't let the battery drain normally under use and having it charged all. He said that I had to set the option in the Dell OBS power options to allow the battery, while charger plugged in, to drain normally until it hits it recharge voltage mark and accepts charging from the adapter again. He show me that link so it seemed legit at the time. Again, idk if this is true, but I to just put it out there so if this is correct, now you know. If not, please someone correct me. I don't want to spread lies, but I do want to know the truth and help people out there asking. I hope you have a good day.
Low Battery? Is my Aorus X7 v7 DT bricked?
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by TareX, Dec 10, 2017.