I could not find thread for people interested in the 11th gen Intel Core + 30 series RTX laptops.
I am interested in the cheaper model with the 8 core i7-11800H CPU and the RTX 3070 GPU.
A positive light review of this made-in-Taiwan laptop with full-size arrow keys and accurate color wide gamut UHD IPS screen.
(Author refers to Gigabyte's public annual report to investors, so might be a shareholder.)
(Cropping bug: no time units on the Time-spy stress test chart.)
(XD: i7-11800h, RTX-3070)
- https://mobile-review.com/all/reviews/notebook/gigabyte-aero-17-hdr/
(View in Google Chrome for a computer translation from Russian.)
A more critical reviewer was generally positive, especially about the screen colors. Though he wrote that he did not come near the claimed 8h battery life, while doing office work without wifi, and found the claim was for dim video, not office work. (Reviewers use different battery tests, so they can be hard to compare.)
He also measured lower heat and noise, compared with the higher powered YD model in measured reviews below, but it can still get above 50dB if you have to turn fans up to max in hot weather, and intense use can still get too hot to use on a lap.
- https://ithardware.pl/testyirecenzj...ych_graczy_core_i7_11800h_rtx_3070-17034.html
(View in Google Chrome for a computer translation from Polish)
For comparison: (YD: i9-11980HK, RTX-3080)
- https://www.laptopmag.com/reviews/gigabyte-aero-17-review
(received screen was measured at lower PCI-3 gamut coverage than other reviews, so there might be variation.)
- https://mobile-review.com/all/reviews/notebook/gigabyte-aero-17-hdr/
Is there a thread for the new 2021 Gigabyte Aero 17 HDR XD and YD?
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by sgunes, Jun 5, 2021.