At least you can boot from BIOS. Sheesh that sounds like a massive pain, good luck with that.
Well its kinda the same thing, except for GRUB, I need to choose from BIOS boot manager. I need Ubuntu for my trip, so until I return I won't do a clean install I suppose, then I will try it again. Until then if anyone manages a proper dual boot with GRUB, please let me know.
Just a question, how many hours did it take you guys to install all the windows updates and drivers? I'm on 5 and counting...
No windows finished, but now it's downloading Nvidia updates at 13 kB/second... help
It's apparently not the wifi, because I can get 3 mbs on gigabyte website, so I'd why Nvidia is so slow. I guess Nvidia is having problems
Apparently the only website that works in gigabytes... which is really weird. I'm downloading a WiFi update that has a newer model number than the one from the smart update and I'll report back how it goesLast edited: Jan 5, 2015 -
Get the WiFi driver first, also restart as much as possible during updates.
I have the newest version according to smart update, and the problem still happens. The only thing that isn't up to date besides Nvidia drivers in smart USB backuo, and smart switch has a beta version. However, I don't think those will effect wifi. Is anyone else having this problem?
Steam is able to get around 1 mb a second which is much faster than the others, but still well short of the 5 mbs I was able to get on my old laptop. I don't get this at all.
Apparently that 1 mb second was only for a minute then it is slowly losing download speed into the low hundreda of kilobytes -
OK, I fixed it by rolling back the drivers to
I was playing around a bit more and went back to original windows drivers 16. Something and now I'm getting nearly 10 MB/a vs around 3 with and 300 kbs with that seems to be the best one so far -
Ive not had a problem with this laptop but have had with others, if your downloading updates for the first time try splitting them into smaller sections I find that this helps to prevent any problems.
Also, im running wifi and have not had an issue at least none that im aware of. -
Anyone else's external screen flicker every so often on vga? It's not a full flicker, but like a few lines drawn across for less than half a second.
Enough talk about how crap it is.
How does it run games at ultra 3k?
Sent from my GT-I9300dorj1234 likes this. -
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
Well, after reading this forum for ages I decided to go ahead and re-paste my laptop. I'm pretty sure Freekers just had a lemon. I also got a lemon and had to exchange it (the SSD was faulty, lots of wifi issues). @freekers how's your situation going by the way?
I used Noctua NT-H1 because that's what's popular here in South Korea, and I really didn't want to mess around with liquid pro in my nice new laptop. For anyone that cares, I have the 3K model with the 4860HQ, so plenty of heat to go around.
First off, I have to say Gigabyte did a *terrible* job of pasting. There was way too much paste on both the CPU and GPU, so much that there was a lot that oozed out the sides. Way too much paste. I haven't seen other P35X's so I can't say if this is always the case but it was poorly done. I wish I had taken a picture but I was focused on re-pasting so I didn't. If I recall correctly someone else in the forum did take pictures. Anyway, my idle temps used to be about 48-50 and now they're in the mid 40's. In gaming I still do hit 91 as a max but the temp now varies between 83 and 89, and only sometimes hits 90 or 91, which means it is throttling less of the time. So I can say I've got about a 2-8 degree difference in gaming and idle temps, which is well worth 20min of my time and $6 of thermal paste. I'm not going to OC or anything, I just wanted lower temperatures to hopefully improve the longevity of my laptop. I'll report back in a few days if things change which is always possible with re-pastes.
I know everyone's results will be different. just wanted to share my results as my way of saying thanks to you guys for your hard work and sharing all your results with us. Enjoy your P35X'sLast edited: Jan 8, 2015Rick_in_ICT likes this. -
jeanjackstyle Notebook Evangelist
Yes, on mine too there was paste all over the place, which can also explain the poor cooling performance of the stock laptop
Ok, used the Gigabyte Smart Update utility to update the BIOS which updated to FD08. Laptop will no longer boot, can't see any boot devices. Tried using F9 to recover, doesn't work. Tried using windows CD to do a repair, no joy. Laptop is now useless. And the final clincher is there is no support number to call, you have to submit a stupid ticket and wait for them to email you. Not impressed.
Hmm I'm on FD08 and I don't have a problem. What other drivers were you on? (If you remember)
Same here running FD08 without problem. Only problem Ive had is that every now and then my keyboard will double space instead of single space and less frequently a double letter. Anyone else have this issue or is it just my keyboard? Seems like lots of people are having issues. Find it hard to believe that a company like gigabyte who have been putting out solid pc components for a long time would have issues producing a decent laptop, but perhaps I got the only decent one they produced.
Last edited: Jan 8, 2015 -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
Probably a bad idea to say as my luck could change... But I've had no issues with my p35w so far, just one Windows crash after a win update. I really want to repaste but loathed to touch it and risk messing it up -
jeanjackstyle Notebook Evangelist
If I may add my bit: i did not have any issues with the laptop so far, followed uploading instructions from previous owners and repasted + undervolt, no issues.
Choose win7, save and exit. Suddenly I was back to normal with the new BIOS.
Solved my problem, hope it solves yours too. -
So how does windows work nowadays? Ted says that if I get the laptop without hdds, I need to get windows recovery disks, made by them, to install windows on my own hdd which i will put in. He says the licence key is embedded in the bios and windows will recognise that key when I install it on my own hdd. The only way to get an installation file of windows is if i buy new windows disks, or get their recovery dvds.
Why cant i just get the laptop without windows and pay 80 euros less?
Sent from my GT-I9300 -
So this laptop is a thin version of a dual 780M SLI power? That is so nice.
jeanjackstyle Notebook Evangelist
Any comparison figure?
Looks like the forum is back. How are you guys doing?
Arthedes likes this. -
jeanjackstyle Notebook Evangelist
Also, I haven't had any problems with FD08 and I've been using it for about 2 weeks. The re-paste is on day 5 with no problems at all, despite people telling me it'd be messed up within 2-3 days. Guess they were wrong.Last edited: Jan 12, 2015 -
Glad the forums are back
Issue seems the windows licence is tied to the machine itself and they cant take it off and put it on another machine so to say.
Sent from my GT-I9300 -
Also, Ted is offerring to ship the laptop from the US to their UK warehouse and then ship it to the netherlands where I live, for only 5% extra (100 euros). This way I dont have to pay BTW (Dutch for VAT), which would be 21% (400 euros). Is this correct?
Sent from my GT-I9300moviemarketing likes this. -
jeanjackstyle Notebook Evangelist
Artedes, I think European vat is never included in us price, because you are supposed to pay itwhen the parcel crosses the border.
Sent from my GT-I9300 -
There are actually ways of the company avoiding paying VAT on part, or potentially all, of the import but they're something I won't go into because they are rather a grey area and not something that you would need to consider. You are not the importer and so not responsible for their actions.
As far as you're concerned, you would be importing between member states of the EU and no VAT etc applies.
Hope this helps.Arthedes likes this. -
To be completely safe, I would also want to be paying the UK warehouse in pounds for the order. If you pay the US company in dollars, it could potentially be construed that you are the importer from the US to the UK.
The issue here is that Customs and import charges rules are not a 'fixed' entity. They are actually interpreted by the officer who processes them and you can not be 100% certain how a particular officer will rule on them, unless you avoid any possible suggestion you were the importer from the US to the UK.
Edit: ignore that first part about paying in pounds, it would lead to you being liable for VAT, just as if you had come to the UK and bought the goods in a shop.
The only way to go is to pay the US company and trust them to handle the transaction for you in the right way, to avoid import charges. As I said, it is possible but I would want to have their written confirmation the price is all inclusive.Last edited: Jan 13, 2015Arthedes likes this. -
Thanks for the explanation fellas.
Ted wrote to me in his mail that the 5% fee (0.05*2000=100 euros, yes i can pay them in euros via pay pal) includes all related shipping and import costs to the UK when I inquired him about why such an action would cost a hundred euros.
So basically, I have in writing that they are handling all the costs and I dont have to pay VAT, because the laptop is sent from the UK to me.
The total cost of the laptop would be 2000(laptop)+100(via UK)+60(shipping) = 2160 euros, instead of the french azerty sporting 2300 euros counterpart. Which is very nice indeed.
Sent from my GT-I9300moviemarketing and RobotDevil like this. -
Arthedes likes this.
Anyway, yes I ordered my unit at the same time as you and others when it was first released to OCUK. So it's very plausible that this was indeed a bad batch.
Some pages back I saw some pictures of someone pulling their P35X apart and saw that there are already new revisions out there. Mine had that annoying little speaker cable next to the RAM, which you had to disconnect before you could remove the backplate. The one I saw in this thread, did not have this cable, at least not at that location.
My laptop should arrive today at OCUK. I'm eager to know what they're going to do. If they offer me a refund, I'll gladly accept it, but I don't think they'll do that. -
jeanjackstyle Notebook Evangelist
If there are already revisions that is scary for the buyers, as depending on your luck/seller you may buy a better/worse machine... If you refer to my pictures, mine has the annoying speaker cable that you have to remove through the ram panel before being able to remove backplate
Would there be a way to confirm revisions via something other than just having them have different internals, such as model numbers? I don't want to take mine apart to check if I have the latest version.
GL in getting a refund or working new revision replacement.
-Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk -
If its OCUK. They dont do refunds after the first 14 days from shipping date or so from what I remember from Robo's issues. mine barely made it on the 13th day for full refund.
Only way you can tell is by the RMA you send in. If you specified you wanted a refund, they will do it. Otherwise, they treat it as repair and ship back. -
-Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk -
Mini-comparison as a first batch P35x Owner to P650SG:
-Keyboard is vastly better on SG.
-Screen display zone feels larger with the minimal bezel edges. If GB minimizes the bezel a bit, it could reduce the overall size.
-Touchpad sensitivity on P35x is too much. The traditional one that the SG used feels better.
-I miss how thin the P35x was
-Build quality on SG is better. Feels sturdy.
-Cooling performance on SG is better, but I cant do a direct comparison since SG uses i7-4720HQ while the P35x used i7-4780HQ or so. If anyone has a similar CPU to 4720/4710HQ with 980M, what are the temps you're seeing? -
jeanjackstyle Notebook Evangelist
Check my temps in previous pages, depends on game but even after repaste 80-90 (throttling greatly reduced)
***Gigabyte P35X owner's lounge***
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Cakefish, Nov 4, 2014.