I thought the CPU cooling of the Clevo was bad, am I wrong ?
With all those problems, I really don't know what to buy, as there are not many alternatives...
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
Cakefish, please help me to decide:
I was waiting for the outcome of your review. For a few days I went to the forum and now I come across your decision to change from Clevo.
What I do not like Clevo: 4GB RAM Video.
What I like Clevo: 32 GB RAM
I plan to use the laptop for 3D work (lumion3d.com). And I need a lot of video RAM, but I also want 32GB of memory...
And who would not like to lose: the laptop I want to be thin.
Thin, Video 8GB, 32GB ram. Looks like THIS DOES NOT EXIST...
Cakefish, do you recommend? -
Regards -
+ you can cook with it! Joke aside do not get aorus, it has serious throttling issues, much worse than p35x.
bigspin likes this. -
Regards -
To use programs like Lumion3d.com need "Minimum 5,000 PassMark points dedicated graphics card and 6GB memory (RAM)."
Lumion FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
LUMION 5: Minimum hardware requirements
LUMION 5: How to reduce render times
But it also says:
" System memory (RAM) is extremely Important if you are trying to render complex scenes in Lumion. The RAM limit in the 64-bit version of Windows 7 is as Follows. Windows 8 has even higher limits. For That reason, it is highly . recommended that you 'use system memory as much as you Can Afford Also bear in mind That the CPU is not used much while rendering still images and video - it's mainly used for compressing frames rendered after They Have Been. "
This is why I do not know whether to point to something like "Clevo P650SG" (more RAM) or "P35X v3" (more vRAM)...
As for "Aorus X7 Pro" I do not know if it gets in the USA .... (I live in USA) -
Regards -
Thank you very much DelFang, I really appreciate your opinion.
I asked this same question in the Lumion3D forum . We'll see what they say.
Again: thank you! -
You'll be just fine with 4GDDR5, i use CATIA for my part, and my 780M with 4GDDR5 could fluently run the most complex models+animation, i used Solidworks too. Had 16Gb of RAM (had to update, from 8 to 16) . I can't see the point of having more than 4gig of Vram It's too useless, manufacturers like AMD MSI, aorus, Gigabyte (=Aorus) (except clevo) use those 8gig of Vram to burst the price.... believe me if a greatly optimised game/software uses the 8gig of Vram entirely our 980M won't be able to cope with the HUGE memory bandwith needed for that, and I'm not even considering Physic/tessellation on all those textures ^^ to answer.
GO with the P650SG you'll have the most important elements that you need : slim form factor, power, A LOT of RAM...and an efficient cooling system. -
I hope you get your answers soon! -
So, the question still remains; how are CPU and GPU max temps during gaming (BF4, Crysis3 and other CPU intensive games) after a repaste, undervolting and while not using a laptop cooler?
And if there is any throttling, is it due to power limits or thermal limits? If so, what clockspeeds are the CPU and GPU running at and how is this affecting performance?
If I recall correctly, this has been spoken about before, but it would be nice to have a concluding view on this. -
GPU hit 82C. (No overclock)
FPS on 3K(Ultra Preset): 30-42 avg.
FPS on 1080P(Ultra Preset): 68-77 avg.
Thermal limits seem to still be the issue.Arthedes likes this. -
https://www.mythlogic.com/configure.php?id=166 -
Sent from my GT-I9300 -
However, this driver power state failure returned... opting me to return it soon. Been happening since I got anvidia Geforce Experience to finally work properly. -
I will run a while on stock again, and try the next drivers (heard some are coming out very soon) and if it doesn't work I will try alternate drivers. I prefer the ones directly form nvidia, haven't had to use those alternate drivers (like you used to on laptops) for many years. -
EDIT: whats that driver power state issue? -
Edit: A BSOD due to driver conflicting or corruption.Arthedes likes this. -
So, I'm still leaning towards getting this laptop. Most of the issues have been minimal from what I've read. Just the normal new laptop quirks that usually take a few to iron out. Do you guys still think it's a good laptop? Has it met your expectations?
I think sound distortion when running monitoring software is due to doly digital software, but have yet to check.
The Driver Power State Failure issue, if not fixed by newer GPU drivers, will make me cringe and wnt to return it. Its such an odd issue in general. -
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
Maybe its the new battery boost feature? It can be configured on GE panel. -
I was disappointed there appears to be no way to add ANY custom resolutions to the laptop display. I've seen this before and I blame it on the intel drivers and win 8. Luckily my external display did let me add a custom resolution to match the laptops internal. I hate having to switch in game resolutions when moving back and forth from my desk so I wanted to run both at the same. The nvidia driver issue is also annoying but I'm sure I can work through it one way or another. I never got my recovery partition working after upgrading my SSD'sbut again I've seen that every time I try to swap in RAID SSD's so that is nothing to do with this model.
Unrelated rant - Just to show what a typical 24 hr period for me just so you know what quirks I always seem to find...
Yesterday I was working on putting my stock 128GB SSD's from the P35X into an old T500 I had sitting around as a backup machine. Got windows 7 installed on the drives raided, was working great. I shutdown to remove the CD drive and install an old HD for additional space. It booted off that new HD which happened to have an alienware version of windows on it. I shutdown and removed it but it never booted again with the SSD's. They couldn't be wiped or formatted at all, upon trying to reinstall windows it now says the drives are going bad and won't install. I think it may be the msata adapter that's bad but it's weird I was fully up and running fine earlier. I gave up and moved on to the next thing.
I moved a month ago and switched ISP's. The new ISP has faster service, but it seems to go down a lot. I also switched out my main router to a WRT1900AC when I moved which I never setup properly so I was also having wireless issues that complicated troubleshooting. So I decide to setup the router from scratch, and while starting to do that I notice the way my router works is weird, it shows my DNS servers as the router address, that's strange I say and start to troubleshoot that. I was getting unable to resolve DNS host errors so I thought it could be related.
Well the Y50 I was using to trouble shoot the wireless kept freezing, task manager would even freeze, I couldn't uninstall anything, and could not restart or shutddown without holding power button down. Disk usage was at 100% and I couldn't troubleshoot it long enough before it freezing. Weird I say, never had an issue with this laptop. I ended up having to do a system restore in win 8 (never had to use that before for anything like this).
Well many hours later, my T500 has dual HD's in it, gave up on SSD's for now. My Y50 seems to be doing good again. The P35X hasn't gotten much attn today other than some Shadow Warrior game time. My internet still keeps going down and I am too lazy to run downstairs and see if it's the cable modem or my own router, but several times when I did check the cable modem was not showing online. My wireless appears to be working better, but I eventually started doing random things to try to get it working (makes no sense but I mac address cloned a random pc and it worked after that - I have no idea why but since it's working I left it that way lol).
Can you tell I'm frustrated?moviemarketing and DelFang like this. -
Info here http://forum.notebookreview.com/sager-clevo/764662-any-information-new-clevo-p7x0zm.html
Check my signature as well , since that's the config I"m getting lol.
@Cakefish just grab the 7265 w/ the new one <3 -
And as for the RAID SSD recovery partition issue, I've always had that too. I never can seem to get the recovery partition working. I always thought it was just me doing something wrong, but not caring enough to research it lol. I also remember having similar Nvidia driver issues a couple years back where original drivers worked great but newer ones gave me fits. It usually gets ironed out after a couple more updates come out. I don't think Cakefish's issue will bother me. I rarely use the bluetooth on my laptops, just haven't had a need. -
I just finished a 1 hour furmark+Prime95 test.
Laptop, when under extreme load, gets very hot to the touch around the speaker area, but keyboard and palmrest are perfectly fine. At most its slightly warm on the keyboard in the upper right. (This is with both running)
With only Prime95 and forced max cores at 3.4GHz: Temperatures remained at 88-91C
With only Prime95 and no-forced max cores (goes between 2.2GHz-3.2GHz; mostly around 2.4GHz), temperatures remain at 72-75C.
With Furmark + Prime95 (no forced max cores on CPU): Temperatures for GPU maxes at 87C and CPU at 88-90C (consistent 2.4-2.6GHz)
With only Furmark, CPU stays at 60-70 range (mostly lower 60's) and GPU hits 85-87C.
Furmark settings at: 1920x1080 with MSAAx8.
Noise levels: with the 90C tests, the fans go on quite loud, but not enough to go "i cant hear ****". Only max fans does that so far from what I know. When tests run under general load, laptop makes little to no noise at all, or at least not enough to be noticed clearly.
If there are any other stress tests that needs to be done, do throw here or PM me.
EDIT: Extra details for tests are:
-Gelid GC Extreme repaste of CPU and GPU.
-Ambient temperatures of 23-25C.
-No notebook cooler. Sitting flat on table.
Edit 2: About the BF4 test temps earlier for Achiles(sp? on phone). That was temps on Ultra and 3K res.moviemarketing, flamy and Arthedes like this. -
You need to be really crazy to run furmark + prime95 for an hour. Don't do it unless you want to kill your notebook.
LoneSyndal and Arthedes like this. -
So thank you so much LoneSyndal for being crazy : p
Next it would be nice to do the same (or not as long though) with undervolting, then with a cooler. But considering these are extreme circonstances, this is not horrible, no ? -
If it werent for a few quirks, I may stay with laptop longer. Currently wanting to try a P650SG as I originally planned.bigspin likes this. -
A few tens of pages back, I ran BF4 undervolted and gained an FPS increase of almost 8-10 frames (68 highest) on native 3K resolution with Ultra preset. Temps were +85C sadly, but it worked. On 1080P Ultra Preset with same undervolt- 64-80FPS with temps at 81-86C. -
@Everyone and potential GTX 900 Series owners:
Seems my thoughts were right on the mark. Newer or more recent Nvidia Drivers/Geforce Experience has caused BSODs of the same nature as the Drive Power State Failure we've been getting on the P35x. It seems that the drivers modify the power state when your PC is on battery, sleep, ect and may cause conflicting issues. One potential workaround is to use only OEM drivers, and another is to use modified/older drivers.
So its not a retarded driver issue from Gigabyte... kudos to them. However, this issue from Nvidia needs to be fixed.dajohu, moviemarketing, Cakefish and 2 others like this. -
There's a lot I like about this laptop so far. I'm hoping my current Clevo can hold up for the rest of my trip (Screen hinge is starting to bust...) so I can make the purchase when I get home early next year. And by then most of the quirks will be addressed! Nothing like being abroad when your laptop finally says "No more!" haha. -
EDIT: Currently contemplating on keeping this or returning it in order to try out the P651SG. Decisions decision... I really like this laptop a lot. I have tested dropping my mouse on a corner (at 5 inches, measured with ruler using the pointier end of a M65 Corsair) and it didnt leave a single dent, so cakefish got really unlucky on his damage. -
I put together a quick pro's and con's list of the P35X. Just my opinions of course
Thin and light form factor (almost exact same size as my Y50, but 2-3x the FPS in games)
980m in that form factor
Real i7, quad core 8 threaded, not ULV or i5
Seems to have less cpu/gpu throttling compared to other thin and light laptops
Holds 2x msata AND 2x 2.5" HD's with CD drive removed
3k screen is awesome! (I had issues with the Razer blade 2014 screen that some seemed to like, this is way better than that one was)
The hinges appear to be massive, if they are as strong as they look they should hold up good
Cooling seems adequate
Plenty of port choices (compared to my Y50)
mini DP for 60 hz 4k use
Backlit keyboard
Touchpad is decent (I've had a few really crappy ones this year)
Pricey (3x price of my Y50)
CPU speed may be limiting for some (I think for the average Joe like myself it is perfect)
Only 2 RAM slots
Keyboard seems kinda cheap, not perfectly flat, some may find that a deal breaker
Cooling is fairly loud at max levels
Bezel is huge, could have almost fit a 17" display in there
CPU and GPU are not upgradable or replaceable.
Also I wanted to add this for those that have been following this thread (Cakefish's scratch from dropping a USB cord end). I was moving around a power strip and I swung the loose 3 prong end of the cord fairly forcefully, and it contacted the back of the screen. Put a nice sized nick in it. Looks like I will have a chance to try out the black magic marker "fix" method that I recently found out about.
***Gigabyte P35X owner's lounge***
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Cakefish, Nov 4, 2014.