Did you ever try disabling your ethernet adapter (not the wireless one) in device manager and see if that fixes anything? Like I said before the sole source of my DPC latency spikes on my desktop came from the motherboard's Intel ethernet adapter, and once I disabled that there were no more spikes.
2.6ghz quad core + 980m inside 0.8inch form factor (that seems pretty stable), i really dont get what else people are expecting? Sound stuttering is clearly a software problem anyways. I honestly think it is solid machine and kudos gigabyte for making it happen, unlike AW putting that ULV inside similar form factor..
dajohu, moviemarketing and RMXO like this. -
Any one know when did the P35X V3 plan to launch in U.S? Before Nov.27, the Thanksgiving or after it?
I was planned for a MSI GS60 4K ver., but it turns out several key issues it had. So I turn my idea on GS60 064 or the 3K ver., but then I saw the P35X V3, I say wow...
So interesting on it, but I won't be in U.S during the Christmas, consider the shipping time, I have to know when it launch, thank you. -
Sent from my Nexus 5maxheap likes this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
Cakefish likes this. -
My advice is that if you think you definitely will need a lot of scaling in Windows to make things legible/manageable for you then I'd go for the CF2 1080p option. The two biggest advantages of this resolution; sharpness and desktop real estate are nullified to a great degree when scaling is employed. Ask away if you want to know more
They've already reviewed it in German. So very soon an English translation will be available. Or use Google translate if you can't wait!
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
http://forum.notebookreview.com/asu...us-g751-coming-maxwell-gtx-980m-gtx-970m.htmlmnwforever likes this. -
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
maxheap and mnwforever like this. -
Anyone know how long the battery lasts when web browsing and other less demanding use? On the p35x
The speaker connector gets easier to take off with every attempt. Thanks Cakefish.
So I got my 1TB yesterday from Amazon and they sent me a 500gb instead. Had to go to my local Fry's Electronics to get a Samsung 840 EVO 1TB msata ssd. The msata will take a 1TB and it works great.
So now I have a Samsung 840 EVO 250gb for OS, 1TB 840 EVO for Apps, Games and my Home folder and 1TB HDD for storage in which I'll probably upgrade to a Samsung 2TB HDD down the road. Also, going to upgrade the dvdrw to bdrw one day.
Got done with drivers installation last night before bed and will install softwares at work when I'm at my desk instead of being out in the field.
Got everything ready for the weekend when I repaste the TIM and mod my CM Notepal U3 with 3 120mm's Noctua fans and a fan controller.
Probably do a few tests and benchmarks then start playing FFXIV ARR and maybe D3 if I'm time permits.
Sadly, GB hasn't responded to me asking for the install files to Smart Tech since I would like to have them on my system after a fresh install of W8.1 Pro instead of using recovery to get W8.1.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk -
Great, just before the Thanksgiving, thank you for reply.
After seeing more reviews, I may start preorder the P35X V3 -
The pricing has done nothing but going up and up. I guess the demand is huge.
Btw, It's been a week since I had my laptop, not much time to test it, but I am not seeing issues and it is a beast!
Temps are the same as we can see in previous pages. The GPU stays well under 90C and most of the time under 80C while playing, and the CPU is the one hitting 90C easily.
Performance is awesome, screen is awesome. The only annoying issue is some software not being 100% ready for being escalated and it pixels even the text (ie tweetdeck).Cakefish likes this. -
New BIOS is out! FD07. No word on a changelog tho.....
==== BIOS ====
FD07 / F007 (Official): http://driverupdate.gigabytenb.com/base/P35v3wb/P35V3_BIOS_B07D07_EC_007_WIN81_UI.exe
High Speed Mirror: http://data.freek.ws/public/gigabyte_p35x_v3/P35V3_BIOS_B07D07_EC_007_WIN81_UI.exe
FD07 / F007 (Beta): same as Official
High Speed Mirror: same version as Official
==== UTILITIES ====
Smart Update 2.3.6 (Official): http://driverupdate.gigabytenb.com/SDA/Smart_Update_v2.3.6.exe
High Speed Mirror: http://data.freek.ws/public/gigabyte_p35x_v3/Smart_Update_v2.3.6.exe
Smart Update 2.3.6 (Beta): same as Official
High Speed Mirror: same version as Official
Smart Switch 1.5.2 (Official): http://driverupdate.gigabytenb.com/SmartSwitch/SmartSwitch_1.5.2.exe
High Speed Mirror: http://data.freek.ws/public/gigabyte_p35x_v3/SmartSwitch_1.5.2.exe
Smart Switch 2.3.0 (Beta) http://driverupdate.gigabytenb.com/SmartSwitch/SmartSwitch_v2.3.0.exe
High Speed Mirror: http://data.freek.ws/public/gigabyte_p35x_v3/SmartSwitch_v2.3.0.exe
Smart Manager 4.3.9 (Official): http://driverupdate.gigabytenb.com/SM/SmartManagerV3_Ver_4.3.9.exe
High Speed Mirror: http://data.freek.ws/public/gigabyte_p35x_v3/SmartManagerV3_Ver_4.3.9.exe
Smart Manager 4.4.3 (Beta): http://driverupdate.gigabytenb.com/SM/SmartManagerV3_Ver_4.4.3.exe
High Speed Mirror: http://data.freek.ws/public/gigabyte_p35x_v3/SmartManagerV3_Ver_4.4.3.exe
dajohu, Cakefish, RMXO and 1 other person like this. -
@luisgibe - wow, you're right, price is now £1919.99 - makes the 1799 price I bought it for look like a good deal in comparison. All in a week's timeframe. Glad I preordered when I did!
@ freekers - awesome, so no need to get OCD over those program results
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
You lucky folks, you will get to install dragon age soon on those badboys!
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
Though I notice that CF2 is still at the same price of 1599?
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
It might be because of exclusive nature of cf-1, i guess their initial order might be almost depleated, and they might be trying to make the most out of it?
Not enough time to troubleshoot as I am at work, but frustrating to say the least. All I wanted was to add the 2560x1440 to the built in display since it is fairly standard and 16:9 like the screen. I found out that I was unable to add ANY custom resolutions no matter what settings I chose. A quick google shows a lot of others have had this issue over the last few years too. I thought the resolution was to modify the monitor INF to show that resolution but nothing I have tried ever gave me the choice in the resolution drop down menu. -
I know CakeFish likes the 3k screen, but I would love to hear from the newer owners about the 3k screen especially regarding 1080p since that will be the typical content I view on it. I don't see any other laptop out there that provides the looks and hardware like this laptop. Just need to decided if the 3k is worth an additional $200.
The 3K screen is quite good. No real issues with it. Havent tried 1080p gaming, but its not on my to-do list for finding performance kinks. Since I dont have work today and have parts coming in, I should be able to do a few tests today.
One question: Does your Smart Manager also automatically open the Sound Control Panel?
Thanks! -
For those that got there p35x from overclockers, I called today about the free game, pick your path, and received my code by mail a few minutes ago.
Far Cry 4 here I come.moviemarketing, RMXO and flamy like this. -
Notebookcheck said panasonic panel is excellent interpolating to 1080p
dajohu likes this. -
I contacted overlooked earlier in the week and they were will g to give the cf1 at the original price, just had to call them to place order.
I've already preordered FC4 for £8.49 through other means (won a Amazon gift voucher) but this is really annoying me now. I could still get ACU for free (unoptimised as it is, a free game is still a free game).dajohu likes this. -
It does not open up anything additional when I open the smart manager.
Can't believe Cakefish's laptop has gone up to £1889.99 (launch price was £1799.99). This is lunacy.
GIGABYTE P35X v3-CF2 (Ultraforce), 15.6" FHD Anti-Glare, Wide Viewing Angle, Intel Core i7-4710HQ, 8GB DDR3L, 128GB mSSD + 1TB 7200rpm HDD, NVIDIA GTX980M 8GB GDDR5 - Windows 8.1 [P35X V3-CF2] -
They can't deny you one now I guess:
Cakefish/dajohu/hallengreen; Does your Smart Manager V3 also automatically start the Sound Control Panel?
Thanks. -
Well us early adopters should get something for all the extra time and effort playing games! I mean working on reviewing and reporting things.
Hmm quick question then, for 3k owners, would setting it to 1080p have the same effect as using a 1080p screen as far as CPU/GPU performance?
Like for instance I get a laptop with a 3k display, but for gaming I set it to 1080p, would I technically achieve the same frame rates as I would in 1080p had I picked a standard FHD screen? Or would there still be some slight offset from the down scaling?
I'm debating now since I play most games in Fullscreen-windowed mode so I can easily alt tab, though if I did that in 3k ( IF it wasn't full screen I'd drop some frames ) granted this wouldn't be an issue now but makes me almost think FHD in this case would benefit me more.
Either way appreciate any incite/info on this. -
There is only one 16:9 resolution available between 1080p and 1620p and it's roughly 2048x1152 (Cakefish lists it somewhere). Its a little irritating that 2560x1440 isn't available as it's 16:9 and far more standard than 1152p is. -
As for 2048x1152 I recall that from him and that it looked much better than 1080p, though I'm just worried @ running the desktop @ a nonnative. -
Hi guys,
For anyone who currently owns the machine, what's the build quality like? I'm currently using a 15 inch 2010 macbook pro and I upgrade every four years; how would you compare the build quality to a macbook pro and do you think the laptop would be able to survive four years (until my next upgrade)? I really don't want to drop 3,000$ on the laptop only to have it break in 2-3 years. I travel a lot with my laptop to and from university so I understand there is wear and tear but I generally take very good care of my laptops.
Thanks! -
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
Optimus works the exacty same way through internal or external display. Both have to go thru the ipgu at minimum, and both can be set to use the 980m (which just the video output goes thru the igpu after the 980m processing it)
This is one of the main complaints on optimus which thankfully the p751zm wont be using. -
Optimus is just a battery saving technology. Its meant for mobile people.
As for the HDMI output, is it straight from card or from igpu? -
I can tell you games will play exactly the same on an external display as they do the internal, exactly the same FPS and settings. This is assuming you set the GPU to run the application on both. This has been true for every optimus laptop I've personally owned.
All video output goes through the igpu no matter if the igpu or the GPU is doing the actually processing of the application. I have heard of certain outputs being GPU connected only, but never heard of anything only being connected to the igpu and no way to use the GPU with it.
*Maybe I'm not understanding the question or concern. Sorry if I am misunderstanding it completely. I've seen certain apps have issues with optimus, but never heard of optimus causing problems like igpu only on certain displays.
**There are two different things going on, which makes me wonder if that is confusing some folks.
1)The igpu handles just the video output (display only), no processing, or anything effecting game performance
2)Optimus can set either the igpu or the GPU to handle the game processing, then only the video will be passed through the igpu to the screen. This happens without affecting performance. The only downside is having to screw with the intel drivers to get resolutions and refresh rates configured. I’m struggling with adding 2560x1440 now because of this.
Does that make more sense explained that way? -
Did a BF4 test before repasting and cooler. Here's the results:
in 15 Minutes of BF4 Ultra Settings on native resolution:
Max Frames 52
Min Frames 30
Thermal Throttling went up as high as 53% (Major indicator of performance drop as this was during gameplay)
CPU usage goes between 30% on average
CPU Max Temp: 90C
CPU Avg Temp: 87C
CPU Avg Frequency: 2.36GHz
Power Limit Throttling went up as high as 43% (Not an issue as this was at game startup and game close)
Current Limit Throttling went up as high as 32% (Not an issue as this was at game startup and game close)
I did not include GPU as there's no issues with it so far.RMXO and Robbo99999 like this. -
Looks like they used some sealants around the edges to cover some chips.... now to use that IPA to clean the rest off completely.
RMXO, Robbo99999 and flamy like this. -
Repasted with Gelid GC Extreme:
Idle temp at 37-40C (unplugged; before was 52C)
Further testing in a bit to break in the paste.
Using forced max clocks-
Max temp: 90C
Min temp: 72C
Max CPU Clock: 3.47GHz
Avg Clock: 2.56GHz
Min clock: 0.82GHz
Max frame: 62
Min frame: 28
Avg: 42
Thermal throttling: 60% max, 13% avg
Power Limit Throttling: 100% max, avg 17%
Current Limit Throttling: 100% max, avg 21%
TDP max: 53W
TDP avg: 37W
Game: BF4 on native resolution using Ultra preset.Robbo99999 likes this.
***Gigabyte P35X owner's lounge***
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Cakefish, Nov 4, 2014.