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Hey if you can, try out the battlefield 4 open beta.
Tell me how it runs it. -
"You may have the option of refusing the brokerage services offered by the courier company, choosing instead to clear the goods yourself at the local Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) office.
It is recommended that prior to receiving your shipment you contact the courier company and inform them of your wish to "self-clear" the shipment. The company will explain their procedures to you.
If you did not advise the courier before the attempted delivery of the shipment, you may refuse delivery and advise the courier of your intention to self-clear. You must record the ‘unique shipment identifier number’, which is the number the courier assigns each shipment. The courier may advise how you can prove that the shipment has been accounted for by the CBSA, or that you have paid any applicable duties and taxes. The shipment may be returned to the courier's warehouse to await your clearance. Please be aware that the courier may refuse this option, and return the shipment to the country of export.
In either case, you must go to the local CBSA office to account for the goods. You will need to provide the courier's name, the unique shipment identifier number, and an invoice from the exporter that clearly gives both a description of the goods and the value. When you have paid the applicable duties and/or taxes to the CBSA, you will be given a receipt indicating that the goods have been accounted for. The courier company must have a copy of this receipt before they release the goods.
A list of CBSA inland offices can be found on our Web site at:
Inland Office"doremix13 likes this. -
Thanks for the info David7.
I did not know that the courier company has the right to 'refuse' the shipment. Hopefully that won't be an issue considering it fits into the 'low value' category being under $1600 (CAD or USD), there usually isn't any duties on notebooks, and that the package only weighs 5-6 lbs.
The plan still is to contact UPS as soon as shipment has been processed, and work out the details with them.
Will let you guys know how it goes. -
Gentechpc now has the p34g in stock. Free thermal compound upgrade and 2% discount for students/military.
What about mic and camera quality?
Guys, can anyone who owns one/knows about this stuff comment on the Wireless Card? I'm really new to all of this and I'm not sure if its worth paying extra to get GenTech/XoticPC to upgrade it, and if so which one to go for
I'm so lost! I rely entirely on Wireless (no Ethernet connection at home).
But I'd like to hear about the microphone and camera quality! Although I do have a gaming headset, it would be nice if I didn't have to use it for Skype calls. Also would be good if I didn't look like one large pixel in Skype calls. -
Apologies for the spam - but also wanted to ask if anyone was aware of any XoticPC/GenTech discount/coupon codes asides from the cash rebate? Thanks!
Not knowing what the layout, walls, a day distance where you are primarily using this it is hard to say. -
We still want to know what the default wireless cards that comes with the p34g. We need some straight answers from real owners/users.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 -
The standard wi-fi card is the Intel Centrino Wireless-N 7260, which you can find out on the Gigabyte driver page. If you are in Indonesia then it is a different card (Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2230), but only there.
You can find out about the card here. Just keep in mind that this is the "N" version of the card not the "AC" version. Since most have "N" it may or may not be a big deal to you. There is also a "dual band" and non dual band. I am guessing but I believe this is the non dual band.darth_poopie likes this. -
darth_poopie likes this.
"On FedEx vehicle for delivery." [woot]
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 -
EDIT: Also, 8 lbs if that matters. -
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 -
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 -
Couple quick observations. The wifi card is good. My desktop is wireless and sitting next to it I got basically the same test results. I'm about 16 feet from router and on 25mbit service I got 23.8 on both desktop and P34. Then I walked to the far end of my house, probably 30+ feet from router and got 21mbps, very happy with stock wifi.
Headphone sound is much much better than the sh*t speakers, so that's good. In a 20C room, I'm idling on battery in the low 40C temp range. Just basic browsing is pretty quiet, very acceptable. But any kind of cpu load, like even 9% and the fan ramps up. It's still fine, but once you get into anything semi demanding it's not going to be quiet. -
FedEx Guy: Yeah, that feels like... 9 pounds. We'll go with that.
EDIT: Now if I could just get them to update the tracking information! -
Did you guys go with XOTICPC or EXCALIBER?
Quick compare in size to a 4 yr old Vaio 13.3 and the speaker sound:
<iframe width='640' height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/L_no0JXtYz0" frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015kolomeets and vitalykolobkov like this. -
Depressing watching all these despatches and my order was delayed a month and a bit
Is Windows installed on the SSD? If so, then how much available space left?
Thank you for checking audio quality! Actually it's not so bad. I owned a Sony Vaio S15. It was a pretty decent laptop with a good IPS screen but audio was just horrible. Much worse than in your video. -
Looking forward to the P34G for sure, definitely a sexy looking machine at a reasonable price with great features.
Almost glad that my Clevo W740SU never made it passed the 'building' phase after 20 business days.
Hope the extra $400 will be worth it, considering similar internal specs (CPU/GPU, resolution) can be found on the Clevo W230ST for $300 less (stock pricing). -
Yes, windows is installed on SSD including all programs. The HDD is empty. I uninstalled a couple things and added a few small programs, it's roughly about 50GB free space on the SSD. Of course at 128GB its shows a capacity of just 98.5GB!! I wish they'd advertise the damn things as 98GB and not 128.
I've just run a preliminary real world video render test and I have to say I am blown away with the speed of this P34. I'll try to make a video of it compared to my overclocked 4770K desktop. -
First thing I generally do is dump the recovery partition all together. While sure, if done right, they could be useful. I would much rather have better use of that space.
Yeah as soon as I posted that, I realized I had forgotten about any recovery partition etc. Haven't looked at anything in disk management yet. Been too busy setting up and testing stuff. Going to post a video of a real world render test shortly...specific to video render.
Just looked and yeah there's a 20GB, 300MB recovery and 260MB EFI recovery, whatever that is. I can't remember how to get this space back. -
If any one can try out BF4 on this little beast, that would be great.
I think this video speaks pretty well about the power of mobile processors and how far they've come. If the desktop was running at stock clock, I think things would be much closer, but I'm very impressed with the upgrade over a 4 year old Vaio.
<iframe width='640' height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lHQ-6NE3iKE" frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015kolomeets likes this. -
Nice! Seems that the fans are not too loud.
What about the laptop's surface temperature while idle and under full load?
Do you have any games to check whether it throttles when both the CPU and GPU are active? -
I'm not much of a gamer anymore. I might try Far Cry 2, that's about the only game. I've got Battlefield3 but I just can't be bothered to go through that nightmare install. -
You know a good way to test the temperature?
Download Orthos (a CPU stress test tool) and FurMark, set Orthos to "Stress test CPU and RAM", and then launch FurMark's Burn-In test and leave it for an hour. That would give you an idea of how high the temperatures would go during intense gaming.
I'm pretty sure it would throttle, though
Gigabyte P34G
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by spicypixel, Jun 3, 2013.