I purchased a brand-new Gigabyte Aero 15x from Newegg on black Friday. While the laptop is fantastic, I’m having some problems with the video/screen locking up if a slight bump occurs to the laptop. This can be from simply placing the laptop on a table. I’ve tried reseating the SSDs, the RAM and disconnect/reconnecting the video cable connection to the motherboard. It seems like it might be a loose connection somewhere. Are there any recommendations to try and fix this myself before sending it back?
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Just exchange it unless you need the laptop right now
I do need it, and it looks like this model is currently out of stock.
I would recommend exchange it too, seems like non user repairable.
Sending it back to Newegg, despite them being out of stock. Very unfortunate as I really liked this laptop. Maybe ill wait until the 20XX cards are in next years laptops.
Gigabyte Aero 15X screen locking up if bumped
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Venom57, Dec 1, 2018.