Hi all,
I have a Aorus X7 V8 and would like to use a fan controller for it. Command & control doesnt hold my xtu settings and msi afterburner setting from my manual overclock and undervolt after i install aorus command and control.so im looking for a alternative. ive tried smart fan 5 doesnt work. if someone knows a way to extract the smart fan that come with command and control and make it a singular app by itself that be great. if anyone knows alternatives that work awesome
What I found is, as long as you click the "OC Launcher" that lets you overclock your system using the Command Control it won't interfere with your XTU and MSI Afterburner settings.
That way I'm able to use Command Control, Intel XTU and MSI Afterburner together with no issues. -
I would recommend just overriding the aorus xtu profiles with your custom ones.
Fan controller For Aorus Laptops (X7 V8) prefered
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by JCordero31, Oct 28, 2018.