Hey guys,
I'm looking to get an Aero 15x after I see the user reviews from the initial batch. When I am home I'd like to use an external monitor for gaming and general productivity. I am figuring a 24 inch 1080p monitor may be most suitable for the 1070 max-q. However, I am also wondering about g-sync.
So I have 2 questions:
1) Is a 1080p monitor indeed the most suitable, for the aero 15x, for high-end gaming? Compared to say a 27 inch at 1440p.
2) Could the laptop utilize a g-sync monitor?
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
1) If you want maximum performance and longevity, then 1080p is where you'll want to be.
2) Yes, you can use a G-Sync monitor provided you hook it up via the mini-DisplayPort or Thunderbolt 3 connector. G-Sync does not work over HDMI. -
InvoluntorySoul Notebook Consultant
i don't think the thunderbolt 3 is connected to the nvidia graphic card, when you use it, you will be using the intel 620 for GPU, your best bet is to use the mini displayport
Sounds like the mini display port would be the way to go. I wonder if you could hook up an egpu using the thunderbolt 3, may be useful down the line.
Aero 15x and External Monitors
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Thinkman23, Apr 11, 2018.