Basically that's it, I've tried both version and, it's the same, I set a profile with white static backlight, works OK, but after I reboot, and log back into windows, it goes back to default wave/RGB.
Any ideas would be helpful !
Hello, I registered an account to reply to you here. This is the only post that I could find on the internet about this issue.
Even after updating the control center to the latest version it will not save settings after reboot. (or anytime you open that app again)
I have found that if you open control center and then set the settings that you want (fans, keyboard color) and then close the app. After setting the settings that you want, you need to go to task manager -> start up tab -> disable fusion from starting at startup.
This will solve the problem, but you also loose a little functionality when on battery but again this is not a laptop that lasts more than two hours on battery anyways.
When you open control center again anytime expect your settings to be wiped out and make sure that you set them correctly before closing the control center again.
I have submitted this to gigabyte support team already, but have yet to hear a response from them. I ask that you also submit a ticket to gigabyte in hopes that it will force them to put out an update for control center so that it saves our settings.Yllier Feri and santimaster2000 like this. -
santimaster2000 likes this. -
correction... It did work, implementing a little change. I´ve found that there is another program that loads on startup called osdwindow.exe that is the service for the control panel. When you click on the controlcenter icon on the desktop it call another exe called showap, that I guess is only a fancy way to call up the frontend. Disabling both fusion and osdwindow items on the startup section of task manager solved the issue. problem is then that you cannot call the control center from the desktop icon, so I´ve created a new one that points directly to the osdwindow.exe file and problem solved, If I want to change any fan setting or whatever I cann use the controlcenter app, but avoiding it to load on the startup prevents the keyboard settings to reset. Nasty workaround but definitely better than the awful app that gigabyte is asking as to load on every startup. Hope this helps.
santimaster2000 likes this. -
So, what's the consensus on this ? Software or hardware issue ?
Happy to find a thread about this issue
Looks like it got addressed on the latest version of Control Center v[] released on 2021/12/07 it retains RGB settings between reboots but not when you unplug it and plug it back in, it still seems to go back to wave mode. Hopefully that will get fixed too!santimaster2000 likes this. -
AORUS 15P YD - Fusion settings don't stick after reboot
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by santimaster2000, Nov 30, 2021.