has any1 opened up their 6860fx and checked if the gpu is sodered onto the mobo?
yes it is.
and it's soldered with an L.
what is an L? is there a way to unsolder the L? and if you unsolder it will the gpu become removeable?
I highly doubt it.
he meant that you misspelled the word: soLdered -
motherpuncher22 Notebook Consultant
actually yes if you unsolder it, it is removable but good luck fixing it. (please don't attempt it)
Oh, and don't go trying to remove the GPU - buy a new computer. -
Am I allowed to bump this for the best five-post sequence ever?
NO not the L's no one messes with those lol
---thanks E-wrecked i needed that -
beeebidy bobbbidy boo -
lmao i thought he was speaking about like a metallic object shaped like an L holding the gpu in place lmao
sticky this thread as best thread ever lmfao
lol.. glad you have a sense of humor about it - I've advertised it in my FS thread and sent a few PMs. Priceless.
haha, maybe i should have put the "L" in some quotes, like that.
too late..can't edit natural humor
That was hilarious
everytime i would read what i said i couldnt stop laughing lmao
i'll second that bump.
gsel, I am +rep'in ya just for being a good sport. Honestly, I read this thread the other day..and it never hit me. The mimino pointed it out, and I finally caught it. Priceless man..seriously.
My god. When I read this at first, I actually checked to see what an "L" solder looked like.
lol haha
Sorry but I had to fix it so search/google picks it up properly for future wanderers.
But yes, even though its a dedicated card its still soldered into the board. They just call it dedicated because it has a dedicated vMemory and vCore instead of using the system CPU/RAM. -
i have a feeling this post is going to last a long long time haha, i don't think i could ever not laugh after reading it lmao
Soldered gpu
Discussion in 'Gateway and eMachines' started by gselsidi, Jan 22, 2009.