I cleaned my laptop today and applied AS5 to the gpu and cpu. I got drops in temperature that I was quite happy with. The only problem is that when I took off the CPU HSF I noticed that the thermal pad on the north bridge has some crumbs and a small tear in it.
My question is: do you think it would be worth replacing the thermal pad?
info: I had around 45*C idle temperatures originally, but with the AS5 and paste I get 37~
So what I am asking is do you think I would expect an even larger drop replacing the thermal pad? I am already happy with the results so unless this tear and crumbs are stealing a large ammount of heat dissipation from me I don't wanna invest more money in a laptop im planning on retiring in the summer.
Also: if I was to replace the thermal pad, the person who wrote the dissasembly guide sticky in this section reccomended using IC Diamond 7 instead of a thermal pad.
Question: is the diamond paste a lot thicker than AS5 and that is why it is used to fill in the large gap between north bridge and HSF?
Also: in the guide it pointed out that the gpu memory has no cooling on it so I applied some AS5 on that, but as it says in the guide (and I noticed) the HSF doesn't even touch the memory.... was applying the AS5 a waste?
Really what I am trying to ask is why does the guide recommend the diamond paste to fill the gaps as opposed to AS5?
Sorry for the english problems, I rewrote this thread like 10 times because I already sorta know the answers but want youropinions anyway: also im burned out and tired xD
Yeah. ICD7 is thick and as per IC it doesnt conduct so even if some spilled onto the MB, its not gonna be a problem.
P7805U Cooling Help
Discussion in 'Gateway and eMachines' started by applesr0x, Mar 2, 2010.