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    Narrowed it down Fujitsu N6210 (a few questions)

    Discussion in 'Fujitsu' started by FTLOSM, Jun 30, 2005.


    FTLOSM Notebook Enthusiast

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    I have narrowed it down and I think I like the N6210 or the N6010 Fujitsu best but now time to decide overall and then configure it.

    Going thru some of the option meuns these are a few general questions I have before ordering.

    On the 6210

    First off if I go with the hi capacity 12 cell battery vs standard, I see use time goes up to 2 hours 45 mins, but does that battery weigh alot more than the standard 8 cell?

    Second, TV tuner stuff, if I go this route is that tuner built in or an external box addon piece with extra cords and junk to manage, and are there any benefits besides just watching or recording tv that adding the tuner will give me (extra output choices on the laptop I can use for other things or something)?

    Third, should I go xp home or xp pro? I am using windows 2000 pro right now, and don't have any experience with xp, I do not plan to have a home network setup or anything (I always got the impression xp pro was for networking) are there any other reasons to go Pro vs Home?

    Memory, should I load this up at fujitsu pricing (would like to get 2 x 1 gig sticks in it) or would it be better to just buy from another source like crucial or something (price and performance wise) It is $780 for 2 pcs of 1 gig on fujitsu site. I checked crucial site by model and maker but didnt see a listing for this specific model so I dont know costs of single 1 gig sticks besides what fujitsu offers at $390 each.

    Hard Drives, I am 99% sure i want to go with at least one 60 gig 7200 maybe 2 60 gig 7200's - my question pertains to performance, will I see a drop in speeds if I go with the 4200's - I do alot of multimedia stuff (watching encoding creating, editing video), audio (reating,encoding, editiing, listening) and photoshop edititng, webdesign etc.

    On the 6010 my main difference that I can see is that I dont have an option for a 7200 drive and that the processor is different, which is better and why

    6210 has a Pentium M 750
    6010 has a Pentium 4 with hyperthreading

    (I dont know what the differences are)

    as for the dvd burner i dont even have any dual layer discs or need for it at this time but I noticed the 6210 has a dual layer burner and the 6010 doesnt, but again i dont even know that I would need the dual layer ability...

    My last question here is can you guys recommend any stores to buy this from online or maybe more important are there any to stay away from?

    Thanks for all the help and input,

    Bill :)
  2. Brian

    Brian Working at 486 Speed NBR Reviewer

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    I'm going to label these to make it easier to discuss.

    1) The 12 cell will add 50% more battery weight mroe or less. I don't think it's a big dela though since I assume you're not carrying it around often.

    2) The TV tuner is completely internal. I think it might have RCA jacks, but I haven't looked into this much. Someone with it in the other models could confirm.

    3) XP Pro is a waste of money. You don't need the advanced features.

    4) I would get 512MB on one stick and buy another 512MB from someone like Crucial, or Kingston via a site like NewEgg.

    5) You want the 7200 RPM drive then, there is a significant performance gain. As for a second drive, you might look at a larger external USB 2.0 mounted option.

    6) The P4 in the older 6010 has been replaced by the lower heat and more battery friendly PM. The latter is better.

    7) Your best bet is to buy from If you want to talk it over, call Ivan.

    FTLOSM Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks for the reply Brian, helps clear alot up for me here, and thanks for the link too,

    Bill :)
  4. Malia

    Malia Notebook Evangelist NBR Reviewer

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    Hi hi,

    Ok, I have a Fujitsu N6010 vs N6110 thread posted in the hardware forum but I don't think too many people are reading it, so I'd like to add my question here also! Sorry if you see it twice.

    N6010 is so pretty and white. Looking at it makes me much happier than the black N6210 or the grey N6110. And it's very important, considering that I'll be looking at it whenever I'm using the laptop. This is a part of the reason why I decided to go with Fujitsu - the beautiful screen. Ahhh...

    But, N6110 comes with PM, cooler and (should be) quieter than N6010's P4. Some people say N6010 is loud, others don't, so I'm not quite sure what to think. N6110 also comes with faster RAM, which may or may not matter. And, it has an integrated Intel 915GM graphics thing with shared VRAM, whereas N6010 comes with ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 with 128 MB dedicated VRAM. This will replace my TV for DVD-watching purposes, so can anyone tell me if the Intel thing will do the trick? (FTLOSM: N6210 doesn't suffer from the graphics problem.)

    2 points for N6110, 1 point for N6010, until you consider the looks - which tip the scale for me quite a bit. Would it be a bad idea to get N6010? It's just so... :glossy: (I'm sorry I love that icon! Whose idea was it to put it there, anyway?)

    FTLOSM: You can get the same 7200 RPM HDD on N6010 as N6110 at Portable One. Definitely get it, regardless of which laptop you go with.

    Hey, someone please help me decide, good looking, hot & heavy, or quiet, quick & dirty? :p

  5. Gildor

    Gildor Notebook Enthusiast

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    The N6010 is quite loud. Whether its too loud is really a matter of personal preference. Probably the worst thing about the fan noise is the cycling. If the fans just stayed on, you could tune it out. But when they turn off, you really notice the contrast from when they are on. That being said, I have gotten used to mine, so the sound fan noise doesn't bother me at all. Also, I don't know if the new models have drastically reduced fan noise. Anyone know?

    Shouldn't make much difference.

    I dunno about the 6210 graphics. I do know DVD's look great on my N6010 and I loaded up Thief 3 and Far Cry on it, cranked the graphics settings to max and the N6010 handled it without batting an eye.

    Personally I think the N6010 would do you just fine, but I may be biased. ;)

    While the N6010 is heavy, it doesn't run hot at all. This noisy fans are good for something! :)

    Good luck in your choice! I am sure you'll be happy with either!
  6. Arclite5525

    Arclite5525 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I was wondering, which will give you more performance?

    Pentium 4 3.2Ghz or Pentium M 1.8Ghz?

    I really don't care about the battery life and the heat at all.
  7. tttttada

    tttttada Notebook Consultant

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    I'd say the Pentium 4 will give you the slight edge. As for the clock speed, multiply the Pentium M clock by 1.7 and it'll give you the approximate equivalent in Pentium 4. Pentium M 1.86GHz x 1.7 = Pentium 4 3.162GHz.
    However, I'm not sure how accurate this is.
  8. noahsark

    noahsark Notebook Evangelist

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    FWIW, I have a P4 laptop (N5010) that has really pathetic battery life. I needed all the horsepower, but I really wish I could go more than an hour on batteries. I vote for the PM.