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    An Open Letter to Fujitsu-Siemens Computers

    Discussion in 'Fujitsu' started by strange_man, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. strange_man

    strange_man Newbie

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    Dear FSC,

    As I am sitting here trying to listen to one complete song without it stuttering, I find myself typing out this letter in the hopes that someone in your company will be brave enough to admit the faults that are plaguing your Mx438 x line.

    I am a casual user of computers – my interests don't lie in them much save for gaming and working. I'm only 17, but I'm on my way to university next February, and I bought the AMILO M 3438 G in the hopes that it would deliver everything that I was looking for: a solid gaming machine that would allow me to be on the move (the only disadvantages would be weight and battery life – but this wouldn't be anything to worry about). My friends advised me not to trust in a relatively-unknown brand (in the laptop market, not overall), but after reading favourable reviews, I decided that this was the best I could get.

    Now, I don't claim that laptops should be perfect, especially the price I had to pay for this one. But it is a basic ask of all laptop users (especially this line, as they would love to game), that they can play videos and music, and boot up World of WarCraft, Half-Life 2 or whatever their tastes without some inherent flickering and lagging issues present. I understand that the buzzing sound is Nvidia's problem- they shall be getting a similar letter soon enough.

    However, it falls to your company, as the providers and makers of this model, to solve the lagging problem. It is that simple. Business and Economics 101 states that if a company wishes to be successful in the market, it ought to be able to have the pulse of its consumers at its fingertips. And despite repeated, multi-page threads (the prime example being this: not demanding but simply asking for a fix, the matter has been shut out. And if Fujitsu-Siemens wishes to continue to grow in the notebook market (seeing that it is relatively a baby, only seven years old in existence), it is one extremely simple concept that will carry them through – a good reputation. And that reputation is severely at risk at the moment.

    I am not accusing the corporation of being malicious, greedy, soul-less people. I understand the fact that the technicalities of the problem are far beyond me, and are best left to the professionals. But the public verdict appears clear – those who are responsible should do their best to fix it. And neither am I saying that we want a fix now – we just want you to go back into R&D and announce that you will begin to find a way to deal with it. If you cannot, then at least tell us a certifiable way that we can fix it ourselves.

    The reason you may choose to ignore this letter are numerous. And I don't blame you for that either. But here is why you should listen: because public discontentment can be damning, regardless of how well-established a corporation is. People have already started a petition – I myself have signed it, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

    If this information is sent to several blogs (I myself know a wealth of bloggers), advertised on IM nicknames (“Do not buy FSC computers!” is one that I have already seen, along with links to the petition), and emailed around, then the handful of people can suddenly become a global boycotting. It may be that the current users wont be able to do anything – but think, if I manage to reach even 1,000 people, those 1,000 people considering laptops (and there are many – all my friends are leaving for university, after all, and need recommendations) will scratch FSC off their list.

    This isn't a threat. It isn't even a statement. In fact, you may even think that I wont do anything, and be right in thinking that. But all I want the company to do is to acknowledge the problem and work WITH us, the consumers, to fix it. It may have been tried before, but until a certifiable solution is found, the potential backlash the Internet can unleash has been felt before.

    The ball, as they say, is in your court.

  2. wobble987

    wobble987 Notebook Virtuoso

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    What is wrong exactly with your computer?
    btw, i never consider buying fujitsu-siemens laptop.
  3. strange_man

    strange_man Newbie

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    I could've used your advice before mate XD

    My notebook? After having it for one month, it is beginning to show signs of the MX438X notebook "Lag problem" - in the sense that games are beginning to lag for no apprarent reason, with no change in software or internet connection. I've updated my drivers, everything.

    FSC has said it acknowledges the problem and wont do anything to fix it due to some mumb-jumbo about industry parts being placed and made in a specific way.