Now this is a really stupid question. I want to send out the 6811 rebate form and I notice it says serial number labelS and UPC code labelsS (plural!). Now there are quite a few of them on the side of the box. Am I supposed to cut all of them off and send them in, or just one each? Sorry, just had to ask cause I've never done it before and dont want to have it refused cause of my stupidity.
just one of each is sufficient. make sure the serial number matches the serial number on the reciept. btw, what did you buy and where did you buy it? if you just bought it and you have some time before the rebate expires, hold off a while. your hinges will probably (will) crack and you'll have to exchange it.
My hinge is cracked again!
rebates - how to?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by merlin666, Dec 20, 2004.