well, I recieved my "new" emachine refurb today in the mail, and I plug it all in, excited and ready to go...and...it won't turn on.
I call tech support, they say they'll send me a box and I can send it in to get fixed. This isn't off to a very good start.
Sorry to hear that, if you get the tyical emachines treatment you will be up and running shortly after the week-end.
You get box tomorrow, send it out, back on wednesday at the latest.
Learux -
yay! I was hoping they had some sweet customer service. A guy brought the box to my house today, packed it up, and said I should have it back around Monday or Tuesday. ;D
I've had a refurb for a few months now and I nothing wrong with it at all, even plays hl2 and doom 3 nicely.
There are very few problems that can't be solved with explosives. -
hahaha. agreed!
new emachine refurb, lame
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by fritoz33, Apr 27, 2005.