Has anyone been able to successfully underclock the m6805? I've tried clockgen to lower the multiplier to less than 4. It locks up. I've tried adjusting the fsb but only got that to work down from 200 to 198. Otherwise it hangs. Was wondering if I need to adjust the voltage. Anyway, if anyone has been able to underclock, please let me know how as I'd like to save battery.
emachines m6805
Do you want to go less than 800Mhz?
Yes, I would like to do 600 or 400 if possible. I seem to remember reading somewhere that someone was able to successfully underclock. I don't know how though.
emachines m6805
m6805 Underclocking w/ Clockgen or other software
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by dada1, Apr 29, 2004.