ok this may be a stupid question!
So I am not much of a gamer and recently goot a m6809 to replace an older sony i had. So I go out and also buy far cry having heard it was a good game. Well i try to install it today on the 6809, after about 20 minutes and getting to disk #3 the thing crashes! so I shut everything done and restart and try again. Same thing after three tries i think the disk is bad. So i run back to the store and they exchange it with another copy. I then try to load it again, same thing. Thinking they gave me the copy i returned back to me on accedent I return another copy and they give me the third copy. So i go on my way and later try it again! Same thing!!! so after looking at there web site, if find no information so i call your tech dept. which i might add is long distance?? no toll free number! So after 20 minutes of mind less automated questions i get to a tech support,after going through everything on my computer he tells me there is no way to run the program on my computer because it has a dvd/cdrw. the game will only run on straight cd drives becuase of the piracy protection. Is this honestly the case???So I can load my 1000 dollar copy of photosho cs, and my 500 dollar copy of office 2003 but i can load my 39.99 dollar game? I have never heard of this and it just seems crazy to me! Sorry about the rabling but it just blows my mind! So someone that knows, plaese tell me i didnt just buy a computer that i cant even play games?
which model do you have?
Mine installed in 20 minutes without a flaw and gaming is smooth as butter. Don't know what happened to yours, but it must be a fluke.
M6809, just bought it 2 weeks ago at Best Buy[ ]
well that is the same one i have, I will have to try and borrow a copy from a frined and try loading his.
That seems really odd. I have the m6805 which is virtualy the same except for the DVD burner. I have been able to install UT2004 just fine and some other games. I dont suppose you have an external cd rom drive to try to installing from?
ok so i replaced my hard drive today with a 7200rpm as well as the memory with a 512 chip, reinstalled xp home.
It was a clean install then installed the the drivers from the restore dvd. Try to load the game again and went perfect. game runs great. the only thing i could think as to the problem was either having the omega drivers loaded, or have cd clone on the computer. Those were the only things differnet i cant think of any reason why those would afect it?? so the game runs great now, thanks for the replies! -
It was CD clone. FarCry is a copy protected program to the nth degree.
gaming question
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by Rlbol, Jun 24, 2004.