Hey first post,
I bought a eMachines D620-5133 laptop from frys a day after last christmas, And I've been loving it ever since. I purchased a Microsoft NX-6000 webcam recently and It says everywhere its supposed to Capture Video in 2 Megapixel since the actual sensor is 2MP. Well, When i installed the LifeCam software, Everything works properly, looks great however when I try to select the 2 Megapixel resolution, It allows me to do so BUT It informs me that I cannot capture video but in the 800x600 resolution. Now this really bummed me out because I was excited about the 2MP video recording. So I read on the bottom of the box and in fine print it says "2 Megapixel Video Capture only available with USB 2.0, Anything less will be subjected to 800x600 at highest"..... Now, My D620 has USB 2.0 - I've read everywhere. So this is really bumming me out! I dont know what the issues are. Of course I updated all the drivers and things when I first got the laptop. I dont know if its a driver issue, or what? I have 4GB of RAM so I doubt thats the problem? It wants USB 2.0 but I have it? Anyone else had this problem before? Or have an idea of what the problem may be and how to fix it?
Please help me out. Let me know!
Have you tried the latest drivers from MS?
yes my drivers are up to date.... man this is upsetting.
eMachines D620 Laptop Not Working Properly with MS Webcam?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by ZachE, Aug 2, 2009.