started selling the brand new eMachines M6805 notebook today. This is a great price for a fast 64-bit machine. The only other 64-bit notebook on the market comes from Voodoo and it costs $2500, BestBuy is selling the M6805 for $1450 after rebate, it includes Athlon 64 processor 3000+ processor, 15.4'' screen, 60GB Hard Drive, 512MB RAM. The Rebate Expires 5/29).
Wow, eMachines is making it hard to pass them up for mid-range and now high-end notebooks. I'll never forget the eMachines PC I bought years ago. It was an open box return item at BB I picked up for $450. The damned thing lived for almost three years at which point I bought a much faster unit. Anyway, good for them.
Editor in Chief and -
i bought an e-machines emonster 550 loooong time ago. it was a p3 550 mhz 128mb ram 20 gig hard drive.
it's still running, but i hardly ever use it nowadays. e-machines is a good brand...but i just think their little icon looks so i dunno tacky? but i would buy from them again considering their support is in the usa as opposed to india.
damn, buying my new laptop is ridiculously hard now. i've been toying for 2 months, and now this baby comes out BUT I WANT A LONG BATTERY LIFE MODEL! and i don't think the power hungry athlon64 would make that happen. so now that the dothan is coming out in a month of so i have to WAIT AGAIN. buying a laptop has been the hardest thing for me.
currently looking at the gateway m505x, compaq x1000, hp zt3000...
ok going off topic, but yea, emachines is really striking a good deal. i dunno what they would cut costs on though. -
I will trade you my Compaq x1000 for the Emachines m6805! (Or sell you whatever....)
Compaq x1000,1.5 ghz Centrino, 40 gig HD, 768 meg of RAM, Win XP Pro, DVD-CDRW, 802.11b etc... etc... they are great laptops but I have mine plugged in ALL DAY there really isn't a reason for me to have the 3+ hour battery life.
Very nice...but a screaming Athlon64 is too much for me to pass up!
the M6805 is on sale at Best Buy starting today for $1299. after rebates. I never considered an emachine but based on commnents here this seems like a good deal. Any cons here?
I bought an M6805 yesterday. Never ever thought I would go for an emachines. Out of the box this puppy has not been any problem at all. No dead pixels, wifi running fine and I am connecting at over 5MB. Screen is super bright and this computer is fast.I did find out that you can upgrade only one of the memory modules without voiding the warranty. So max memory would be 1GB + 256.
congrats teerex, I am going to get mine from circuit city and I should have it by next week. I test drove one last night and was amazed at how fast it was. I have been looking for a while now and you do not these features on any machine for less than 1700 and up. The dedicated memory and upgraded ATI card is a real plus too. I didn't quite understand your comment about memory. Is the 512 in one slot or two and if it says it will take up to 2gb why is warranty voided with the upgrade. Also, I wanted the DVD burner but no rebate on the 6807. I have a feeling these notebooks will be top sellers with all these features and at this price. Keep me posted on how it is going.
Chuck. According to emachines tech there are two modules. Each containing 256mb. Only one can be changed by the user so max 1gb + the 256mb original. I too am unsure as to how one can get to 2GB as advertised. For the moment I don't plan on any memory updrade. I was using my Fujitsu p5010 with 512mb and 900 Centrino so this m6805 is just fast enough for me. Fujitsu is headed to ebay. So far I really like this laptop except I hope i don;t have to carry it too far.
teerexx52, I ordered mine yesterday at circuit city for $1299. after rebates. Not in stock so they are getting one from another store and because the cc $150. rebate was internet only the sales person gave me the $150. instantly and I only have to send in the $100. emachines rebate. On other forums, and I will find the link when I get a minute, there were some complaints about screen quality as something to watch out for. Also, the hard drive speed as I understand it, ships with either the 5400 or 4500. One person said he returned his 3 times for screen issues but ended up with the faster hard drive and was ultimately satisfied. I guess the hard drive issue is the luck of the draw. I am new to lap tops and my sales person, who I know, and I, got into it b/c he wants me to buy an extended warranty and I don't do that. He said this was an emachine and I would regret it if I ever had to send it back. What do you think about the extended warranty issue? It's $219.
Chuck, I have read the forums over and over again looking for what my mistake in buying this lappy might be. I went to best Buy for mine. I have had ZERO problems with mine. The screen is bright and easy to read. I am not sure what people might expect more from the screen but I find it great. My desktop monitor is a Mutisync 1765 and my previous lap was a Fujitsu P5010. The M6805's screen is better than my Fujitsu and does not do a bad job compared to my NEC.
The hard drive issue I think is one of preference. For my usage I would doubt I would see any difference. I have the 4200 Toshiba in mine. I had read it was noiser than the 5400 but I don't hear anything unusual from mine.
Extended warranty is a tough one. I didn't buy one as I put it on my credit card which extends the warranty for an extra year. I rarely have a lap longer than one year. As far as who has the beeter warranty??? I don't really trust Best Buy any more than anyone else. I had a CC warranty on a desktop and they took the computer for over 2 months before I received it back.. So can emachines be worse? I think emachines is trying hard to build a better rep. So I am going with them on the one year.
As far as this computer being an emachine. When this lappy came out I told my wife that dollar for dollar at $1299 you just could not beat this. Built in wifi 54g, 15.4 inch screen, 60gb drive, card slots and even TV out. Add 64 bit and what can you really complain about for $1299. My own wife said to me "but its an Emachine" I said for that money I have to give them a try.
So far I love this lap. No problems at all. Keep me posted! -
Sorry everyone for the double post, don't know how that happenned.
Thanks for the advice and input. I hope to have mine by Monday. I will keep you posted. -
No help to your questions here but I understand the emachine site will answer an email to your question.
Just saw on this home page that Gateway bought emaichines today. What about that. There goes the customer service. -
The 1300 price for the M6805 is very interesting and I am thinking of buying one by tomorrow afternoon to save the $150 but I would like feed back if:
1. Anyone opened it up (VOIDS WARANTEE) to see if you can put in a 1gb in place of non user replacable 256MB SODIMM?
2. Anyone opened it up (VOIDS WARANTEE)to see if you can pull cpu (should be zero insertion force) and slip in the new athlon64 5000 (or where every amd is on the clock) this time next year?
3.) Anyone installed 64 bit Linux on this box (SUSE 9.0 on opteron is what I'm running now)
<blockquote id='quote'> quote:<hr height='1' noshade id='quote'>Originally posted by chuck
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moved to here:
bloome -
I just one of these myself from BestBuy--too hard a deal to pass up. Unfortunately it looks like I got the slower Toshiba drive.
I got the one with the cd burner instead of the dvd burner. How interchangeable are the after market hard drives (internal), memory, and dvd burners (internal) with this machine? Or will we have to buy specialized parts from eMachines?
Secondly for anyone considering this machine--you may want to look at the 10lb Satellite P25-S609. Its 17" and a beautiful finish. Its probably the nicest looking laptop I have seen--it was at BestBuy for $1899 after rebates and is 2.8ghz + DVD burner (unfortunately a a nVidia Go 5200) if you are looking for value laden alternative. -
I got mine yesterday and so far am pleased. It is very heavy but I am not much of a traveler so it will stay in the home. It is also running a bit hot but I guess laptops do. Connected with my wireless system in just a couple of minutes but I did look at the instructions. I will check to see what hard drive I have. It is fast and fun. I took pictures today and like being able to stick the compact flash card in the side and downloading instantly. I give more impressions after a couple more days but so far so good. On the extended warranty issue go to emachines web site and buy from them-- it is half circuit citys price and looks like pretty good coverage.
Good to hear, nothing is better than getting new hardware like this!
Editor in Chief and -
my machine has the hitachi 4200 hard drive. The hard drive article on this site says faster is always better. I do not know how one could tell which hard drive you got until the unit was out of the box. If the model with the DVD burner comes with the 5400 hd that is probably the way to go. Circuit C. had a $200 rebate on that model. oh well, it has been screaming along this weekend. Everything is working without a hitch. Seems to be a very stable machine. Watched a movie and it was better than on my 3 year old desk top. This vid. card seems to really get the job done. Speaker volume is low but sounds good through headphones. Fit and finish is solid. Better than the 2 compaqs notebooks I own. By the way, I will opt for 2 year emachine extended warranty if I decide to get one. emachines gives you 90 days to decide. Plan to keep this one 2-3 years.
Ive had my M6805 for a week and its just dandy. It replaced my M5310 (RIP). Best Buy doesnt sell the M6807 yet. I would like to upgrade my unit to an internal DVD +/- RW, but I cant get eMachine to give a definitive answer [} ]. Does anyone know if that dvd +/-RW drive is available anywhere?
I am not sure why but CC is only selling the 6807 and BB is only selling the 6805. CC removed the 6805 from its web page. Also if you search this unit using you will find alot of information on it.
Hi all,
Do any of you have a different tel phone number than the one emachines give on their website?
I am trying to reach them to inquire information about the canadian warranty for their M6805 notebook. The only number available is a auto-respomse number that gives tech support.
Are any of you canadians? Can you tell how the warranty works?
Thanks -
I bought the M6805 from CircuitCity, display model, with slight discount. Not much that they can discount because there's not much margin on laptops. $100 rebate from mfgr. Wanted desperately the M6807 with the $200 rebate ($100 CC, $100 mfgr), but they no longer carry this just released model, perhaps its just out of stock. No one else sells it.
Would have appreciated the DVD/RW as backing up a 60Gb HDD at 4.7GB DVD/R's is more reasonable than attempting to do this using CDR's at 650MB clips. I started a discussion thread on these machines and caused a number of other traders to purchase the machine, and they tried to so overload the machine with windows, active tasks and other cpu intensive tasks and simply couldn't. Even with a rediculous number of windows open, the swap time between applications was indeterminable. Try that on a P4 3+Ghz HT even with 1GB memory.
Best machine, however screen resolution was less than desired, and would appreciate vastly higher densities approaching the WUXGA range of 1920x16000. So far the HP zv5000z offers 1680x1050 at WSXGA on the 15.4" platform, but we're discussing eMachines here.
The 60GB HDD came with over 4GB filled with preinstalled software applications. What a bargain that it comes with a rebate, possibly two, and with all this software in these under $1,500 price range.
Anybody know where to get the M6807? -
I also wanted the M6807, but BB never sold it (I had to replace my M5310 under warranty at BB and I couldnt go to CC). Now that I have my M6805, I love it. Ive gotten over not having the internal DVD RW drive. Ive found something better The Kano external DVD RW drive. Its faster (a 4x speed drive) than the internal drive of the M6807 (a 2.4x drive). Not to mention that the extra drive speeds up the copying process.
<blockquote id='quote'> quote:<hr height='1' noshade id='quote'>Originally posted by zhukeeper
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hey all,
i just played with the 6805 at best buy, and it was s-l-o-w. i thought, this can't be right... control/alt/delete and the only thing running was quake 2 or something. cpu usage was sitting at 100% and stayed there for about 5 minutes before i walked away. any ideas what may cause something like that?
i'm super interested in a 64 bit notebook, but i need to know it'll work well. -
It sounds like someone abused that display model. Try another store, my M6805 flys.
HERE IS THE LINK TO THE NEW EMACHINE!! U have to change the 7 to a 9manually after cliking on the model number to see the specs. There is no price yet but it should be out soon. -
Quote "kennydavis":
HERE IS THE LINK TO THE NEW EMACHINE!! U have to change the 7 to a 9manually after cliking on the model number to see the specs. There is no price yet but it should be out soon.
In an answer to previous memory upgrade questions, read that site. It says "Expandable to 1.2 GB." I think that answers that question.
-KyleLast edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
The big question is where to get one? BB has no M6807s, CC just told me the M6807 is 'off program', meaning they aren't getting anymore. eMachines' website won't let you order. What to do? I would buy one today if I could find a 6807 or the new 6809. When is it due out? Also, I heard a vicious rumor the video memory was going to be upgraded to 128. Anyone have any details? Thanks.
I got the M6895 from Best Buy during the $250 rebate era and only paid $1250 for this machine! Amazing. I love it and would not use anything else. I looked at all the laptops and this one had the best features, graphics, power, price, of them all. Does anyone know how to upgrade the memory to 1 gb? I looked into the memory socket and there is one module and doesn't look like there is room for two but eMachine says it is upgradable to 1 gb ram. I use PhotoShop and it FLIES!
Does anyone know of a high end USB cable TV tuner that can be attached to the M6805 so I can watch high quality cable TV on my laptop? Thanks -
The 6800 series comes with 512Mb of ram. Thats the memory chip you saw. It can be replaced with a 1 GB chip (expensive!!!$400-$599). If you think its fast now, wait until you upgrade the memory. You can check ( ) for the tv tuner. Enjoy! [ ]
<blockquote id='quote'> quote:<hr height='1' noshade id='quote'>Originally posted by Digital Dan
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I couldn't get an answer from eMachines regarding a release date for the 6809, and no-one had the 6807, so I bought the 6805. After the $250 in rebates, the price ends up being $1300. Pretty sweet.
The company I work for is a software development shop. We also bought 3 Sager laptops for the developers to use. Our enterprise business applications contain an import file validation function hitting a SQL 2000 DB. After loading SQL, and our dll heavy applications, my 6805 runs the imports faster than the 3.06 HT Sagers with 1GB and 7200rpm drives. I was actually quite surprised by that, but it is the 1600mhz bus that makes the difference, not the proc. Certainly, more intensive cpu applications will run quicker on the Intel CPUs, but this 6805 flat runs. Color me happy. I miss the DVD burner, but that is a minor annoyance which can be overcome with an external drive. If eMachines had better supply chain info available I might have waited for the newer 6809. I hope this isn't indicative of Gateway's influence. Gateway might end up screwing up a good thing. -
I picked up a 6805 yesterday.
this is my first laptop.
I bought it for lan parties.
It's a real nice laptop, runs ut2004 real nice at the
native screen res 1280x800.
so far it looks like it will fit the bill.
probably have to put more ram in to do any level design.
should be able to handle modeling as it is.
I'll see this week end.
[ ] -
what about using this laptop for music productions/recordings
is this processor better than the intel?
what about noise, is this laptop loud?
<blockquote id='quote'> quote:<hr height='1' noshade id='quote'>Originally posted by line 47
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
you'd probably want to have a 7200 rpm drive for that kind of stuff.
a 40gig is $165 a 60gig is $235
eMachines 64-bit Available @
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by Andrew Baxter, Jan 19, 2004.