hello! im new in the forum, and I have a new acer emachine e725, but my new laptop is having some issues with the keyboard, specifically with the enter key of the num pad, i would like to disassemble the keyboard to be able to clean it, the screws in he back are all screwed and i don't know which one to take off to take out the keyboard
thanks a lot for the answers!
you know, I was kinda wanting to know the same thing... but I posted in the acer forum with the same q and it got deleted... hrrmmm
hehe i found it, i almost broke the laptop but is very easy, on the top over the keyboard, there is a board, where is the on button, the wireless mode and the mouse activator button, you have to get a credit card or some hard card to get in between the keyboard and dad piece i told you.
then you can take off that panel, you can take out the keyboard, the rest is up to you, i just get there hehe -
good tip...but i dont think that works for d725, does it?
it seems it does, the both seem to have the same components, try it, but softly, so it won't broke
disassemble an emachine e725?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by ames89, Sep 23, 2009.