Hey all I just purchased a emachines m6811 2 weeks ago I'm thrilled but do have some questions. I would like to optomize this to run as well as possible, so far the only thing I've done is install omega drivers and slightly overclock the graphics card. Is there a deffinitive guide to fully optimizing your laptop? bios upgrade?? what will default the warranty etc. Any help or links would be appreciated
More RAM, faster hard drive...
Eagle Scout, Brotherhood Member of the Order of the Arrow, Slippery Falls Scout Ranch Staff Alumni, '97-2000. Trading Post, Rappelling Instructor, First Aid/Emergency Prepardness Instructor, Health Lodge Medic.
A Hitachi 7200RPM drive us definetly a step up in performance. Removing the hard drive should be covered in the manual. I would upgrade the bios only if needed.
I know things, things that could get me killed
Thinkpad T41:
* 1.6Ghz Pentium M * 768Mb Memory * 40Gb Hitachi 7200RPM * Panasonic UJ-845-B DVD+RW *
brand new m6811 optimize??
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by torquemb, Apr 13, 2005.