Use this address instead:
The regular address gives the correct form but does not send...[ ]
Emachines telephone support gave me the above address to use [^]
Tell it like it is...NOT how it should be
cools, thanks for the helpful link. Kind of odd that you have to call to get the right web address for support.
Well the reason I had to call was due to returning my defective HD after they charged my CC for the replacement.
They had authorised an extension due to being overseas but took the payment are supposed to send it back within 10 or 14 days or they have a $75 fee.
I had to call up once the defective HD was in the Fedex system to have the money refunded - while I was waiting on hold the IDD card I was using ran out of credit so I decided to send an email instead...long story...anyway I ended up calling them again when that did not work...hence finding out about the other website after the form just kept prducing and error.
To be honest $75 for a replacement HD is pretty decent if you ask me
Tell it like it is...NOT how it should be
Need tech Support via Email?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by gtd2000, Dec 19, 2004.