Bought a refurbished M6805 from Tigerdiret. It came with a DVD recovery disk. I want to reformat the hard drive, it is now one big 60 Gb C drive. And I want to do a fresh install. but I have no experience to do it without a floppy disk. I tried to put the recovery disk in and restart the computer, at the dir, it show some system files like autoexec.bat,config.sys etc , how do I copy these files from the DVD? Are these files a must to have a copy? If the procedure is a complicated one, can someone point me to a link or website where I can learn this computer skills. Thank you very much. I like my M6805 a lot. Will keep it for a few years.
The DVD you got is simply an image of the HD. You won't be able to do a 'clean' install of XP from it. Just stick the DVD in and reboot, and you can restore Windows to the factory installed state.
First PC = Vic-20, 8" 128KB Home-Brew Floppy Drive ... Current Rig = eMachines m6805 ... Quantum Leap?
Need help with reformatting
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by crw, Feb 5, 2005.