I was wondering who the manufacturer of the Mobo in the M68** is. I was curious because I have seen variations with 128 megs of video and versions with 9700 cards as well. I know Arima makes the laptop itself.
Anyone know?
Since Arima is a known mobo manufacturer as well - dual WS mobos mostly -, we can safely say they make the mobo too...
by T2k! -
Go to http://www.arima.com.tw and navigate to W730-K8 DTR. It tells you what the factory options are.
First PC = Vic-20, 8" 128KB Home-Brew Floppy Drive ... Current Rig = eMachines m6805 ... Quantum Leap?
Motherboard on m6811
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by bluheadted, Nov 8, 2004.