My M6809 still runs like a top after over three years. The most reliable computer I've ever owned. Anyway I'd like to run Puppy Linux from a usb flash drive instead of CD. I've looked around a bit and all I've found is a Targa 0F09P00 bios upgrade and that sounds too risky for my taste. Has anyone found a solution to this?
1. 0F09.P00 is fine on my m6805
2. 0F08.P00 is the current official one and should have an option to boot from external device (usb)
cheers ... -
"0F09.P00 is fine on my m6805". By fine does that mean you can boot from USB?
I tried Winflash to install 0F08.P00 from fizi.ca and it ID'd my bios as being the current one and would not flash it. My bios won't allow USB boot.
Dave -
. usb boot: i tried, tried and tried - so far, nix! could not do it, it recognised the 1st boot device in usb, but windows would not do it
cheers ...
M6809 Boot from USB
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by dgerst, Jan 2, 2008.