The power supply box (between the wall socket and the computer) gets Extremely hot. I expect some heat from any electronic equipment, but being a fist time notebook owner I dont know how much is normal.
I beleive this may be the cause of another problem I've had a few times. When the computer is plugged up it still runs off of battery power. It did it today and I unplugged the ps from the wall to let it cool down for about 15 minutes. When I plugged it back in, it worked like normal.
Has anyone had any similar experiences with their power supply? Have I got a busted ps maybe?
Not to the degree of causing to fail and go from AC to battery power with it still plugged in, but I will agree that the transformer does get extremely warm. Using the 6809 myself but I think the adapters are the same.
same here, gets very hot specialy cpu under 100% load for some time, but no other problem
Well, I left it on all night last night. It was idle, with no programs running and it was only warm when I checked it this morning. Now that I think about it, it seems like when I have the over heating problem is only when I'm gaming (which is basicly all I use the computer for). So maybe it is just getting hot from constant cpu and video card drain.
M6805 power supply problem?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by Birdbleed, Jun 18, 2004.